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INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2010 Tan Hui Ming [Leader] Foo Tze Han Grady Ng Ryan Lim Class 2O1.

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Presentation on theme: "INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2010 Tan Hui Ming [Leader] Foo Tze Han Grady Ng Ryan Lim Class 2O1."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES 2010 Tan Hui Ming [Leader] Foo Tze Han Grady Ng Ryan Lim Class 2O1

2 Location of Beach Resort

3 Resort Map

4 A Comparison Factors for Consideration Mamam BeachNoordin Beach Wave Frequency27 waves/min [Destructive] 21 waves/min [Destructive] Texture of SandMedium-Grained Predicted Coastline in 20 years time Seawalls would be unsustainable and the coastline would be eroded, possibly shrinking in size Coastline might similarly erode, as wave strength is relatively weak, and less destructive, but parts of coastline might be flooded in high tide

5 Location Noordin Beach -Texture of sand is more resistant to wind and water erosion -Waves are weaker -Problem of coastal flooding relatively minor -Already existent seawalls -Relatively undeveloped


7 Preventive Measures Hard Engineering Method: GABIONS Easily-Constructed Fairly Inexpensive

8 Preventive Measures Soft Engineering Methods: BEACH NOURISHMENT Used in tangent with gabions Cost-Effective Long-Term Sustainability

9 Green Technology Harness solar energy using active solar techniques Install solar panels on rooftops where possible – ensure that size is just right to maximize energy production Excess energy can be stored for later use

10 Green Technology Taping into wind energy as supplementary source Solar energy may not be constant; must to have a backup source Located near the shores of Kekek Quarry -Does not interfere with shipping lanes -Closer to resort

11 Green Technology Offshore windfarm -Largely increase energy output as compared to onshore windfarm -Unreliabilty of wind is negligible as wind energy is only alternative source

12 Green Technology Beach front Resort Facilities: – Gym – Spa – Infinity Edge Pool – Restaurants – General Resort Reception

13 Green Technology Main facilities -Replacement of incandescent light bulbs to Eco-friendly compact fluorescent -Installation of water-saving toilets -Auto-Detecting Lights -Utilisation of recycled glass and steel for construction

14 Green Technology -Restaurants / Buffets to cater organic food / local produce -Usage of compost to fertilise decorative plants -Utilize plants which require minimal water intake and are appealing to the eye -Drop watering system to water plants

15 Green Technology Villas -Replacement of incandescent light bulbs to Eco-friendly compact fluorescent -Replacement of television/refrigerator/air- conditioner to energy efficient model -Installation of recycling receptacles per level [Paper/Bottles/Cans] -Eco-friendly textiles for the bed/curtains etc.

16 Green Technology -Card storer can be used dually to switch off lights and electricity [When a guest leaves the room and takes his card/The lights automatically switch off and the visitor doesn’t have to worry about forgetting to do so] -Biodegradable cleaning products [No phosphates/chemicals which are harmful]

17 Green Technology Transport vehicles around island -Using electric cars -Energy to recharge battery can be obtained from excess solar or wind power, cutting down reliance on burning on fossil fuel -Island is relatively small, and hence issues of distance not a problem

18 PART 2

19 Green Living Practices Attractive pamphlets on Green Living Practices to be situated at the reception/guest room Discourage smoking at hotels, charge more for smoking rooms Waste minimization – e.g goods that the hotel receive should be sent in minimal packaging, hotel can convert food waste to biofuels,

20 Green Living Practices Encourage trekking / cycling with cheap bicycle rentals offered Instead of washing bed linen/bedsheets everyday, the resort can instead have a fixed washing schedule of around 2 to 4 days intervals, or only wash at the guest’s request.

21 Green Living Practices Encourage trekking / cycling with cheap bicycle rentals offered Instead of washing bed linen/bedsheets everyday, the resort can instead have a fixed washing schedule of around 2 to 4 days intervals, or only wash at the guest’s request.

22 Green Living Practices Towels to be washed at a lower temperature – washing at 40 degrees instead of 60 degrees apparently uses lower energy. In addition, room cleaning only to collect towels that guests wish for them to be washed, or charge for towel-cleaning services. Avoid excessive exterior lighting of the hotel, especially at night, or dim external lights.

23 Green Living Practices Make non-air conditioned rooms cheaper – encourage guests to sleep in a non air-conditioned environment which reduces electricity costs. Hotel can partially or totally absorb the cost of bicycle rentals, which in turn encourages tourists to use the bicycle over taking vehicles to get to the attractions.

24 Bibliography IgoUgo. (2008). 10 Hotels Where Every Day Is Earth Day. [On-line]. Available: 10_Hotels_Where_Every_Day_Is_Earth_Day.html. (24 August, 2010). 10_Hotels_Where_Every_Day_Is_Earth_Day.html Rainforest Alliance. (2010). Welcome to Morgan’s Rock. [On-line]. Available: (24 August, 2010).

25 Bibliography Orchard Hotel. (2010). Go Green At Orchard Hotel. [On-line]. Available: friendly-hotel.asp. (24 August, 2010). friendly-hotel.asp All-recycling Facts. (2009). Eco-Green Living. [On-line]. Available: http://www.all-recycling- (24 August, 2010).www.all-recycling-

26 Bibliography Green Living. (2010). How To Be Green. [On- line]. Available: more-green.html. (24 August, 2010) more-green.html Squidoo. (2010). Green Living 101 – Go Green Now. [On-line]. Available: (24 August, 2010).

27 Bibliography Uptake. (2010). San Franciso – Five Green Hotels. [On-line]. Available: five-green-hotels-496.html. (24 August, 2010). five-green-hotels-496.html

28 Merci

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