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POTENTIAL AND STRATEGIES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Dr. Ajay Mathur Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "POTENTIAL AND STRATEGIES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Dr. Ajay Mathur Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 POTENTIAL AND STRATEGIES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Dr. Ajay Mathur Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

2 India Primary Energy Demand Other renewables Biomass Hydro Nuclear Gas Oil Coal WEO-2009 Total: Reference Scenario Total primary energy demand in India grows at 3.1% per year on average in 2008-2035, an overall increase of 127% Source: WEO 2010

3 India’s Oil Import Historic expenditure on net imports of oil as a share of GDP at market exchange rates (with a projection for 2011) In 2011 India’s oil import burden will exceed 5% of GDP for only the third time in history if prices average the current level of $92/bbl for the entire year Further, 10% of coal demand will be met by imports which will increase to 30% by 2015 Source: WEO 2010

4 Energy Profile - India Energy Intensity - Industrial SectorGHG Emissions Across Sectors

5 BEE DSM Programme BEE Schemes Standard and Labeling Energy Conservation Building Code Bachat Lamp Yojana Agricultural DSM Municipal DSM Small and Medium Enterprises National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

6 Why Utility Demand Side Management? PROFIT CONSUMER / CUSTOMER Generation / Transmission / Distribution Company Demand Side Management

7 Implication of DSM in utilities DSM primarily addresses Electricity Companies The activities undertaken by a utility under DSM programme includes Load management, Establishing new applications and uses, Strategic conservation of energy, Increasing clientele Positioning itself on the energy supply market.

8 Factors driving utility driven DSM DSM reduces cost ( minimize losses) of utility by measures: High cost of peak power. Enhance reliability of system and supply. Increase customer satisfaction. Saved costs (or benefits) are used to incentives customer to act.

9 Utility Driven DSM Utility Driven measures for peak load reducing DSM are: Energy efficient buildings. Energy efficient air-conditioners. Thermal storage. Thermal Air-conditioning-VAM. Energy efficient lighting. Distributed generation, including standby generation and cogeneration; Dynamic Load management, Power Factor correction;

10 Instruments to promote Utility Driven DSM Providing “ performance based” billing to end users to promote adoption of (higher cost) appliances- directly or through ESCOs. Rebate on refrigerators, air-conditioners, fans, LEDs etc. Time of use / demand based tariff. Dynamic tariff plan linked to demand reduction on need.


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