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PROCURE TO PAY 25 SEPT 2014 Project Symphony. 2 Procure to Pay Thursday Sept 25 8:00 – 8:15am: Introduction & Recap of 2 nd day 8:15 – 9:45am Purchase.

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Presentation on theme: "PROCURE TO PAY 25 SEPT 2014 Project Symphony. 2 Procure to Pay Thursday Sept 25 8:00 – 8:15am: Introduction & Recap of 2 nd day 8:15 – 9:45am Purchase."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROCURE TO PAY 25 SEPT 2014 Project Symphony

2 2 Procure to Pay Thursday Sept 25 8:00 – 8:15am: Introduction & Recap of 2 nd day 8:15 – 9:45am Purchase requisition – approval in Workflow - add a requisition with requested date as +30, ref A, Ref B, header text  copy line text - add line for IC0399 Insert Referencell 10,000ea (manual planned) (optional, empty item…) - supplier S00000002 Qwinnett Graphics (optional), total USD 634.10, ASL - submit, print by selection criteria, 2 level approval, link to the requisition from Workflow (Feed) - also in ION Activity Deck in the web part - also in the separate URL (https://it-iont01.nortest.local:9543/Pulse/) - prepare conversion, convert to a purchase order; item IC0831, ASL, cannot be added Procure to Pay – Norcross - add a planned order for IC0106 Label Panoscreen III 40,000ea - confirm, transfer to a purchase order - supplier S00000002 Qwinnett Graphics, not ASL mandatory - price from item - purchase data; more about price books in the purchase contract process - approve and send the order by email to supplier - maintain the order conf. date & confirmed delivery date

3 3 Procure to Pay 10:00 – noon Receiving process - release to warehousing and regular receiving Quality inspection and rejection process - reject 40,000ea to be returned to supplier (Regular inspection and approved quantity of 40,000ea in the background – for finance integr. transact) Return order process from rejected inventory - from rejected inventory to the supplier (from the previous PO example) - create header for S00000002 Qwinnett Graphics and order type P03 - link the original order to this order; copy the original line (with rejected quantity) - approve, print and leave the order here - print the Return note from the original order(!) Finance integrations 1:00 – 2:00pm (continue next page) Purchase contracts and delivery contracts - supplier S00000003 Placon Corporation, from 09012014-08312014 - item IC0831 Carton 5 unit clear tray 100,000ea, in line ‘Delivery Contract Available’ - link price line to the price book 10B000014 (existing price book) - line level Delivery Contact: +14, …: 25,000ea, 25,000ea, 25,000ea, 25,000ea - generate purchase order(s) from the delivery contract (from the line or a nightly run)

4 4 Procure to Pay 1:00 – 2:00pm (continued) Purchase Order for Fixed Assets process - supplier S00000001 Software Solutions Company, order type P01 - item 0003492 Generic Asset for CIP(cost) 1ea USD 60,000 - approve and send the order by email to supplier - release to warehousing, receive Setup and executing Fixed Assets in the Finance process 2:15 – 3:30pm Finance processes 3:30 – 4:45pm Finance processes 4:45 – 5:00pm: Closing remarks

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