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1 ICOTS What weve learned since October 6, 2008. 2 GETTING STARTED.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ICOTS What weve learned since October 6, 2008. 2 GETTING STARTED."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ICOTS What weve learned since October 6, 2008


3 3 Check this website

4 4 APPLICATION Completing an ICOTS Application Review ICOTS PRIVACY POLICY Review ICOTS USER AGREEMENT Complete ICOTS APPLICATION Submit completed ORIGINAL application to DOC Information Services Send to the interstate compact unit. Once approved, DOC Information Services will set up the user account. Once the account has been created an email will be generated and sent to the new user. HOME

5 5 1. Click on the Users tab 2. Click on the Workflow tab 3. Select Reports to Supervisor 4. Enter supervisors name or login SETTING UP WORKFLOW

6 6 Incoming Transfer Requests CPO COUNTIES: We will continue to send all Interstate Requests to the DOC contact. If appropriate, they will delegate to the CPO contact The county supervisor will then need to assign the case to an agent

7 7 REPLY to TRANSFER REQUEST On all accepted incoming cases, an email shall be sent to the Interstate Office noting whether or not the offender requires Community Notification –Be sure to include the offenders name in the email Acceptances will not be processed until an email is received

8 8 Outgoing Transfer Requests MUST include instant offense details, including type and severity of the offense and whether the charge was reduced –Attach the complaint or police report OR –Attach a PSI including the offense description OR –Type in the offense details by hand

9 9 Must include special and standard conditions of supervision –Enter each condition individually OR –Attach a copy of the probation agreement Any additional information can be attached in the PSI section When transferring Misdemeanor DWI cases, include information on prior DWIs

10 10 Check this website

11 11 Outgoing Parole Transfers Institution cases are assigned to the compact office For offenders in the community, do not complete departure information without contacting the Interstate Office first

12 12 Closing Cases Only the receiving state can complete a case closure If a MN offender receives early discharge, send an action request to the receiving state with the discharge order attached and request that they complete a closure The sending state must then complete a case closure reply before the case will be closed

13 13 Viewing Closed Cases Click the Show historical cases box

14 14 Check this website


16 16 Adding Offenders DO NOT enter offenders outside of the Transfer Request or Request for Reporting Instructions assistants If the offender is already in ICOTS, select that offender record instead of adding a new record

17 17 Adding Offenders Each state is loading their active outgoing cases; if an offender is not in the system, DO NOT add them Search ICOTS for your offender. If the offender is not in ICOTS you must proceed with the old paper process.

18 18 MN Legacy Cases All outgoing cases active as of October 8th were loaded into ICOTS These cases are being assigned to agents in alphabetical order or as requested Cases are assigned to the agent listed in the Interstate database

19 19 Check this website

20 20 Pending Cases Cases still pending replies will remain on paper until loaded by the Interstate Office in the subsequent legacy load in early December Any communication on these cases should be sent outside of ICOTS until the subsequent load DO NOT add these offenders in ICOTS

21 21 Important Things A Notice of Arrival cant be done until a Notice of Departure has been completed An acceptance is not valid until it has been approved by the Interstate Office Previously rejected cases can be found under the Assistants tab

22 22 Check this website

23 23 Reassigning Cases In the Users tab, select Manage Case Load, then select a from user based on their role. You may enter the users name or login. You can either search Default Results or search by Offender Name.

24 24 Select a to user based on their role. Select the cases you would like to transfer to that user by clicking the boxes to the left of the appropriate cases. Once you have selected the cases, click the submit button. Once a case is reassigned, ICOTS will create a case note indicating the change.

25 25 VACATION Supervisors will have to designate another person with supervisor rights in ICOTS to cover their work while they are gone The designated person will need to monitor the supervisors workload within the Manage Case Load function Only Action Items will be assigned, not cases

26 26 If there is an Action Item for a case, the Manage Case Load process will reassign only the Action Items, not the case itself.

27 27 Workflow for Supervisor Vacations Two options for agents workflow: 1. Agents can change workflow to the temporary supervisor for the duration of vacation or 2. The temporary supervisor can contact an agent and have them change their workflow temporarily while they assign the action item. Once that is done the agent would change the workflow back.

28 28 Workflow for Agents Vacation Supervisors will need to manage agents workloads while agents are on vacation.

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