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Note Making Make the information you find work for you. Seek only the information you need.

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Presentation on theme: "Note Making Make the information you find work for you. Seek only the information you need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Making Make the information you find work for you. Seek only the information you need.

2 1. What needs to be done? I want to gather some information about turtles.

3 My subject is Turtles. What do I want to know about Turtles? Where do turtles live? What do turtles eat? What animal family do turtles belong to? What enemies do turtles have? What are some unusual facts about turtles?

4 2. What resources can I use? Books, Encyclopedias, Websites

5 3. Where can I find these resources? The Media Center, classroom library, computer

6 4. What can I use from these resources? I can use facts and information. I can take notes about what I learn. I can use the information to answer my questions about my subject, turtles.

7 5. What can I make to finish the job? Note cards and citation cards

8 Create your Note Cards A What are some unusual facts about turtles? only reptile with a shell 250 species first turtles lived 185 million years ago

9 Don’t forget your Citation! A Smith, Bob. “Turtles are My Life.” The Encyclopedia Britannica. 5th Edition. 1998.

10 Keep your notes short A Food – no teeth, just a beak -- tearing Insects plants river turtles -- clams mussels sea turtles -- jellyfish

11 Practice: Let’s research “Lakes” What is a lake? Is it different than a sea? How many lakes are there in the world? Are there lakes in every country? What kinds of animals live in a lake? What makes a lake healthy? What makes a lake die?

12 Practice – Information Lake is a body of water surrounded by land. Lakes may be found in all parts of the world. Some large bodies of water commonly known as seas are really lakes. These include the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee, and the Caspian Sea. Some lakes lie near the highest regions of the earth, and others are far below sea level. The word lake comes from a Greek word meaning hole or pond.

13 Practice Notes B What is a Lake? Water with land all around it Where are lakes found? found everywhere in the world Seas = lakes Some far above sea level Some below sea level

14 Citation B Walters, James C., “Lake.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1998 Edition. 1998.

15 6. How do I know I did my job well? My note cards and citation cards are complete and I have enough information to write my research paper.

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