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Chapter 10: Biodiversity Pennsylvania Endangered Species.

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2 Chapter 10: Biodiversity Pennsylvania Endangered Species

3 BALD EAGLE  Currently there are 43 nesting pairs in PA.  The decline of the bald eagle was due to DDT.  Game Commission annually monitors bald eagle nests.  Game Commission takes part in reintroduction programs.

4 Bald Eagle Sites in PA Location of Eagle nest sites in 1999 (red), and winter concentration areas (violet ).

5 INDIANA BAT  The major cause of declines in Indiana bat populations remains disturbance to winter hibernating populations and, in several cases, intentional vandalism to the hibernating site and the bats.

6 INDIANA BAT  The protection from disturbance of hibernation sites.  In Pennsylvania, endangered.

7 Indiana Bat Locations in PA

8 Delmarva Fox Squirrel  Disappearance caused by suburban sprawl.  If any populations exist in Pennsylvania, they are very small and in extreme jeopardy of disappearing altogether.

9 Delmarva Fox Squirrel  Until an inventory of possible habitat is carried out to determine whether existing habitat can support the Delmarva fox squirrel, any new re- introductions of this species have been put on hold.

10 Historical Locality for the Delmarva Fox Squirrel

11 SHORT-EARED OWL  Intensive agricultural practices make many potential habitats unsuitable.  Primary management of these areas must assure a disturbance- free nesting season.  In Pennsylvania, endangered.

12 Nesting Map of Short-Eared Owl

13 LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE  In Pennsylvania, endangered; nationally, no special protection.  Collisions with vehicles on country roads as a major factor affecting shrike populations.  Intensified surveys and management are needed to bring back this species.

14 Loggerhead Shrike Regular Nesting Locations

15 MASSASAUGA  Due to dam building, highway construction, urbanization, forest succession, surface mining and agricultural activity.  Fish and Boat Commission reviews projects potentially damaging to massasauga habitat.

16 LAKE STURGEON  Pollution of large western Pennsylvania rivers.  Over fishing seriously reduced the Lake Erie populations.  Legal harvest of lake sturgeon is prohibited.  Pollution abatement.

17 Lake Sturgeon Range in PA

18 BOG TURTLE  Draining of its habitat.  Illegally removed for commercial purposes.  Informal agreements concerning the continued occurrence of the turtles have been made with owners of private property where bog turtles exist.

19 Bog Turtle Range in PA

20 CANBY’S MOUTAIN-LOVER  Threatened by railroad and quarrying expansions.  Canby's mountain-lover is listed as a candidate species for federal listing by the USF&WS.

21 Canby’s Mountain-Lover Range in PA

22 TALL LARKSPUR  Threatened by roadside herbicide spray, road expansion and limestone quarrying.  In February 1990 tall larkspur was classified as a candidate for federal listing by the USF&WS.

23 Tall Larkspur Range in PA

24 REGAL FRITILLARY  Habitat destruction.  Disruption of critical stages of its life cycle.  Habitat protection agreements have been made with the owners of public a and private properties.

25 Regal Fritillary Range in PA

26 NORTHERN RIFFLESHELL  Water pollution, dam construction and dredging are the major causes for its decline.  In Pennsylvania, support of on-going research to describe the riffleshell's range and status.

27 Northern Riffleshell Range in PA

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