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1. Fiscal Year PupilsTuition InSalariesExpensesTotal Salaries & Expenses Balance FY11125.81$748,250$672,107$106,941$779,048$729,766 FY12136.99$906,936$600,566$177,233$777,799$858,903.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Fiscal Year PupilsTuition InSalariesExpensesTotal Salaries & Expenses Balance FY11125.81$748,250$672,107$106,941$779,048$729,766 FY12136.99$906,936$600,566$177,233$777,799$858,903."— Presentation transcript:

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2 Fiscal Year PupilsTuition InSalariesExpensesTotal Salaries & Expenses Balance FY11125.81$748,250$672,107$106,941$779,048$729,766 FY12136.99$906,936$600,566$177,233$777,799$858,903 FY13138.51$949,999$958,028$171,325$1,129,353$679,549 FY14129.94$903,325$1,006,523$109,771$1,116,294$466,579 FY15*117.00$745,615$962,714$92,665$1,055,379$156,816 *FY15 – salaries and expenses are a projection – may increase Greater amounts of School Choice Funds have been used each year to offset budget shortfalls. We are now at a point where essential salaries & expenses need to be replaced by General Fund Appropriation 2

3 Funding SourceFY14 Amount FY14 % School General Fund$18,483,44369.01% Local Contribution$4,325,85716.15% Federal Grants$944,4133.53% State Grants$141,1460.53% Circuit Breaker$810,1123.02% Private Grants/Donations$6,3210.02% School Choice$1,114,3194.16% Preschool Tuition$87,9510.33% Athletic Revolving Fund$91,0950.34% School Lunch$744,2732.78% Rental of School Property$26,9820.10% Custodial Detail$5,9080.02% TOTAL$26,781,821100% 3

4 DescriptionFY16 Budget Cuts District Leadership & Administration$7,500 Instructional Services$613,023 Other School Services$34,000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant$76,500 Programs with Other School Districts$49,000 TOTAL$780,023 4

5 Other School Services: $34,000 Athletic Supplies 2 CMS sports 2 CHS sports Operation & Maintenance of Plant: $76,500 Maintenance of Bldgs. & Grounds Maintenance of Equipment Applied $30,000 of Rental of Facilities Revenue Instructional Services: $613,023 Staff Cuts SPED Contracted Services Prof. Development Library Books Instructional Supplies Travel/Conferences Programs with Other School Districts: $49,000 Private School Tuition District Leadership & Administration: $7,500 School Committee & Admin Supplies No conferences 5

6 DescriptionFY16 Override Instructional Services – new staffing needs, maintain current staffing previously paid by School Choice, professional Development, instructional supplies $672,831 Transportation$74,200 Maintenance – Athletic Fields & Student Helpers$42,500 Athletic Supplies$20,000 Instructional Technology – Virtual High School$12,150 Technology – printers, projectors, chrome books, IPADS, tech software, tech contracted services, tech supplies/materials, etc. $129,451 Essential School Contracted Services - School Audit, IPASS, Accounting Package, ESPED, Erate Consultant, Aimsweb $48,868 TOTAL$1,000,000 6

7 Athletic Supplies: $20,000 Maintenance of Athletic Fields: $32,500 Instructional Services: $672,831 CES – 2 Classroom Teachers CMS – 1 World Language Teacher CHS – add 1 Music Class CHS – add 1 Social Studies Class SPED – ABA Kindergarten Teacher & IA Maintain Current Staff Prof. Development Instructional Supplies Transportation: $74,200 Technology: Hardware Software Contracted Services $129,451 Continue Virtual High School Program: $12,150 Essential School Contracted Services: $48,868 Custodial Student Helpers: $10,000 7

8 DescriptionFY15 BudgetFY16 Budget $ Change District Leadership & Administration $420,650$539,042$118,392 Instructional Services$11,906,451$12,948,696$1,042,245 Other School Services$1,666,370$1,749,945$83,575 Operation & Maintenance of Plant $1,370,956$1,569,087$198,131 Acquisition, Improvement & Replacement of Fixed Assets $59,419$80,472$21,053 Programs with Other School Districts $3,659,634$3,864,161$204,527 TOTAL$19,083,480$20,751,402$1,667,921 % Increase9% 8

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