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Low Energy Building Design 2010 Class Brief. Class Objectives ‘… aims to impart an understanding of, and provide practical experience in, the different.

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Presentation on theme: "Low Energy Building Design 2010 Class Brief. Class Objectives ‘… aims to impart an understanding of, and provide practical experience in, the different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Energy Building Design 2010 Class Brief

2 Class Objectives ‘… aims to impart an understanding of, and provide practical experience in, the different aspects of design relating to the engineering of the built environment and the energy systems therein.’

3 Key Activities and Outcomes Activities: research site/climate/local resources; generate design hypotheses; undertake performance and cost appraisal; factor in sustainability considerations; communication of findings. Outcomes: deepen core understanding of the building as an energy system; develop problem solving and analysis skills; understand and communicate performance, cost and sustainability issues; develop team working and communication skills.

4 Class Overview – Semester II working within a team, you will develop a concept design with the emphasis on new engineering approaches to sustainability. it is expected that one or more computer tools will be used to appraise options and support decision-making in relation to –energy consumption and the impact of demand reduction measures; –the role of embedded new and renewable energy supply technologies; –the environmental performance of the design; –the environmental impacts of the embodied and operational energy.

5 Class Overview team members will take responsibility for the relevant technical sub-systems such as: –form and materials; –life cycle analysis; –environmental systems; –renewable energy supplies and demand reduction. teams should operate as an integrated unit a team member will take responsibility for project co- ordination

6 Class Format the class will meet at 2.00 on Tuesdays in M309 class tutors will be present to advise and comment on the progress of the design however, it’s YOUR design and your responsibility to develop it you are expected to do significant amounts of background reading and design work outwith the tutored period of the class …. come prepared to summarise the work undertaken in the previous week and with any questions you may have

7 Assessment assessment will be based on 4 group presentations (weeks 3,6,9,12) and a web site (week 12): –16469 25% assignments 25% presentations 50% web site

8 Design Brief your basic brief is to develop the initial design for three houses types which will form a 20 dwelling net zero carbon community to be located in rural Ayrshire the community is to be a prime example of sustainable, low energy design and is intended to be an exemplar for developments of the future

9 Basic Specifications The basic specifications for the community are as follows: –twenty dwellings 4(x4), 3(x10), and 2(x6) bedroom units; –energy sources can be a mix of centralised (i.e. central CHP) and local (i.e. solar thermal) –community size ~60 individuals; –NET zero carbon (includes offsetting energy used to fabricate the dwellings); –the design team should also consider transportation carbon emissions as transportation will be a significant portion of the school's carbon footprint.

10 Site Information The proposed site lies on a S-facing slope The site rises from 100 to 120m Site is about 3km west of the existing communities of Auchinleck and Cumnock in East Ayrshire The site is on reclaimed land (landscaped pit bing) surrounded by predominantly agricultural land and forestry The site is bounded to the South by the Glenmuir water The site is close to both the A70 and A76 roads

11 Location

12 Specifications The client also has the following aspirations for the building: –showcase for low-carbon energy technologies and energy efficient design (code 5 buildings or better); –where possible the designs should source local building materials –striking and innovative designs that complement the surrounding landscape; –mechanical ventilation with heat recovery; –maximum use of natural light and other energy efficient/demand reduction technologies; –full disabled access; –each dwelling should also feature one or more active renewable energy systems: to offset carbon emissions and also to act as a show case for visitors.

13 Reading Code for sustainable homes (England and Wales): or_sustainable_homes_techguide.pdf or_sustainable_homes_techguide.pdf Sullivan Report (Scotland): ng_Standards_Strategy_For_Scotland.pdf ng_Standards_Strategy_For_Scotland.pdf

14 Useful Tools Simulation: ESP-r – detailed simulation modelling package (can be used to model all energy subsystems) Google Sketchup – – free drawing TRNSYS (See Tutors) – detailed systems modelling package Merit – renewable energy selection Retscreen - - renewable energy selection tool Homer – renewable energy selection tool DIALux – lighting design tool LT Method (see Tutors) Web: HTMLKit – web site development

15 Week 1/2 Activities today’s programme: –get into groups –come up with group name –tasks (this week): review brief decide on design priorities think about group working (communications meetings) develop work plan and allocate tasks develop plans for crits 2,3 and 4

16 Groups Group 1 Peter Fowley Ewan Murray Sylvia Mastraembou Antoine Godbillot Cora Pitoulard Stuart Gibson Group 2 Ben Raffery Trisan Asker Idris Delorme Aude Rolland Clarissa Bortolon Callum Anderson Group 3 Graeme Dunn Nitin Verma Andrea Panetti Gauthier Llambias Amanda Ambler David Stewart

17 Groups Group 4 Scott Whyte Andrew Horgan Mathilde Borreil Michael Brady Cecile Troussel Group 5 Michael Allan Scott MacKay Ian Gauld Helena Perina Elisa Masse Group 6 Martyn McLaggan Paul Hedley Diane de Seguin Arturo Artega Tommy Sherwood

18 Groups Group 7 Tiree Lenox Danila MacLaren J-C Sigirist Timothe Hautcolas Croce Clement Group 8 Danny Yang Naeema Hafeez Bintou Ouedrago Arnaud Gibert P-M Dupuy

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