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TMP Professional Development Session Case Writing as Tool for Math Teacher Professional Development November 25, 2008 Katherine K. Merseth

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1 TMP Professional Development Session Case Writing as Tool for Math Teacher Professional Development November 25, 2008 Katherine K. Merseth

2 What are Cases?? Cases are actual descriptions of real events presented for discussion within a professional development or teacher education setting. Cases are actual descriptions of real events presented for discussion within a professional development or teacher education setting. They are not “made-up.” They are not “made-up.” They are based on situations or concepts known to be challenging. They are based on situations or concepts known to be challenging.

3 Characteristics of Cases The Three C’s Complex Complex Constructivist Constructivist Collaborative Collaborative

4 Encourage multiple perspectives Encourage multiple perspectives Promote critical analysis and problem solving Promote critical analysis and problem solving Engage veterans and novices in the powerful exchanges Engage veterans and novices in the powerful exchanges Do not seek one ‘right answer.’ Do not seek one ‘right answer.’ Enable case reader to construct complex understanding Enable case reader to construct complex understanding Case Discussions as a Professional Development Tool

5 How Can Case Discussions be Important to Teacher Development? At the heart of educational practice is decision- making and action. Practitioners must choose and invariably these choices often involve competing values that need reflection and discussion At the heart of educational practice is decision- making and action. Practitioners must choose and invariably these choices often involve competing values that need reflection and discussion Framing classrooms challenges with colleagues can be extremely powerful Framing classrooms challenges with colleagues can be extremely powerful We are a can-do culture, and often simplistically frame a teaching challenge. “Well, just do this…” or “I always do that..” We are a can-do culture, and often simplistically frame a teaching challenge. “Well, just do this…” or “I always do that..” Cases provide a non threatening platform for an exchange of ideas Cases provide a non threatening platform for an exchange of ideas

6 Have you ever participated in a case discussion, either of a video case or a written case? Yes No After you vote and we take a tally, we will discuss your experience: What did you like? What did you not like?

7 Written Vs. Video Cases Positive Elements of Written Cases? Negative Elements of Written Cases? Positive Elements of Video Cases Negative Elements of Video Cases?

8 Brief example of a video case

9 Example of a Written case A Picture is worth a 1000 words What do you see as one of the key points for discussion in this case? Please type your answer in the text box and send it to the main room Who is the main character? Are there any contextual factors that seem important to the case beyond mathematical content? What elements make this case believable?

10 What advice do you have for the teacher? Raise your hand and we will call on you.

11 Teacher Development through Written Cases and Case Discussions Rich Narratives based on real events in real schools and classrooms. Rich Narratives based on real events in real schools and classrooms. Reflect the complexities and dynamic nature of teaching and learning. Reflect the complexities and dynamic nature of teaching and learning. Math content present in all cases. Math content present in all cases. Focus on concepts considered “hard to teach” and “hard to learn.” Focus on concepts considered “hard to teach” and “hard to learn.” Provide opportunities to discuss mathematics, pedagogy, student thinking and school context. Provide opportunities to discuss mathematics, pedagogy, student thinking and school context.

12 Sentence completion A case is a compelling professional development tool if it is ….

13 Encourage multiple perspectives Encourage multiple perspectives Are believable Are believable Promote critical analysis and problem solving Promote critical analysis and problem solving Engage readers in the powerful, sometimes emotional exchanges Engage readers in the powerful, sometimes emotional exchanges Do not seek to develop one ‘right answer’ or ‘one viewpoint’ Do not seek to develop one ‘right answer’ or ‘one viewpoint’ Enable collaborative problem solving Enable collaborative problem solving Strong Cases…

14 Have you ever tried to write up a description of a classroom event? Yes No If you answered yes, what challenges have you encountered?

15 Good cases have dilemmas embedded in them Dilemmas are messy, complicated, and conflict-filled situations that require undesirable choices between competing, highly prized values that cannot be simultaneously or fully satisfied.” -- Larry Cuban, How can I fix it? p. 10

16 The Key Features of a Dilemma are where Reasonable people disagree about a course of action Reasonable people disagree about a course of action Unattractive choices exist due to constraints (money, time, laws, cultural and political assumptions) Unattractive choices exist due to constraints (money, time, laws, cultural and political assumptions) Managed by “satisficing” (We satisfy by sacrificing—Hebert Simon) Managed by “satisficing” (We satisfy by sacrificing—Hebert Simon) Dilemmas are not solved, only managed Dilemmas are not solved, only managed

17 Starting the Process Generating content ideas… Generating content ideas… Offering what students often say… Offering what students often say… Thinking how teachers often respond… Thinking how teachers often respond…

18 Finding a topic Find a powerful, engaging classroom situation that is rich with mathematical content and potentially or decision faced in administering a TMP site Find a powerful, engaging classroom situation that is rich with mathematical content and potentially or decision faced in administering a TMP site What are some possible examples? What are some possible examples?

19 Math topics known to be difficult to teach What might be some possible examples? Type in your idea and we will discuss

20 Building up the content Student ‘alternative’ understandings of the topic Teachers approaches to address to topic? How do you as a teacher know what the students know? Describing a realistic conext

21 Look at another Example What is Pi? What is Pi? What makes the case believable? What makes the case believable? Notice the power of dialogue: Voice and dialogue are essential, because people’s characteristic phrasings, cadences, pauses, and hesitations give important clues to their ways of thinking. Notice the power of dialogue: Voice and dialogue are essential, because people’s characteristic phrasings, cadences, pauses, and hesitations give important clues to their ways of thinking. Other elements that appear important…? Other elements that appear important…?

22 Math Cases for Professional Development Strong math content—topic that is known to be difficult to teach Strong math content—topic that is known to be difficult to teach Potential Ideas about how to approach topic exist Potential Ideas about how to approach topic exist Student work, dialogue, typical confusions are included Student work, dialogue, typical confusions are included Context in which case is placed is realistic and could be important to the teachers’ decisions about what to do Context in which case is placed is realistic and could be important to the teachers’ decisions about what to do

23 Cases can also be used to capture site experiences and challenges with TMP What might be some possible topics? What do you think would be an important topic for sites to share? Why is this important?

24 Elements of good written cases The story is a web of decisions that will lead to consequences The story is a web of decisions that will lead to consequences Decisions involve a protagonist (or a couple) who must analyze the situation, identify alternative courses of action, and do something—usually under pressure. Decisions involve a protagonist (or a couple) who must analyze the situation, identify alternative courses of action, and do something—usually under pressure. The story takes place in a complex, yet realistic context The story takes place in a complex, yet realistic context

25 Elements of good written cases whether about math teaching or site issues… The story has one main decision point but several minor forks in the path that will influence the final decision. The story has one main decision point but several minor forks in the path that will influence the final decision. The events perplex the character who experiences them; the decision is not obvious The events perplex the character who experiences them; the decision is not obvious When analyzed the case events yield common rules of thumb that can apply to a variety of similar situations. When analyzed the case events yield common rules of thumb that can apply to a variety of similar situations.

26 Next steps Find a writing ‘buddy’ Share outlines Build one or two characters Start with the challenge, then fill in with background about the characters and the context Deepen the topic Finish with a return to the challenge No more than 6-8 pages

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