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LISTENING.  Listening is the key to success  Listening opens up new horizons.

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Presentation on theme: "LISTENING.  Listening is the key to success  Listening opens up new horizons."— Presentation transcript:


2  Listening is the key to success  Listening opens up new horizons

3  Listening is the key to learning  Listening begets listening

4 Why do we listen?  To gain information  To get feedback  To participate in another’s story

5  To hear of their experiences and insights  To be ‘in control’ (information is power)

6  To broaden our horizons, ie to learn  To create a relationship  To respect and value others

7  Listening is perhaps one of the most important skills we have, yet it is one of the least recognized.

8 A neglected skill  Listening in fact is how we ourselves learn to speak.  Research reveals that although we spend s o much of our time ‘listening’ we don’t necessarily remember all we’re told.

9  Shortly after a 10 minute oral presentation the average listener will have retained only half of what was said.

10  After 48 hours they are likely to remember only 10 percent!

11 Why don’t we listen?  1.Selective listening

12  Sit still for about 5 minutes with your eyes shut. Concentrate on the things you can hear, and identify as many different sounds as you can. At the end of the 5 minutes make a list, independently, of these sounds. Finally, discuss the results with your partner. What conclusions?

13  Sounds which are considered unimportant are shut out. We concentrate primarily on what we think is important.

14 Go to the locker (no.252) at CST station. In the locker you will find a cash box which contains the following: 1. 50xRs500, 2. 50xRs100, 3. 50xRs50 Please bring me half the money.

15 W hat is the number of the locker ???

16 Why do people listen selectively only to what they think is important?

17 Talking speed versus the speed of thought.

18 There is a considerable difference between the speed at which people talk and the speed at which they think ….

19  The average person speaks at about 125 words per minute…

20  An average persons thinking speed is in the range of 500 words per minute…

21 Results….  Daydream  Tune out  Mental ‘walk about’

22  You are the leader of the search party looking for a plane which has crashed in the wilderness. After searching the area for some time you eventually locate deep furrows made by the plane as it crash landed. Following the furrows you see the plane with its back broken lying partially submerged in the middle of the river. There is no obvious sign of life. You realise that there is no way you can carry the dead back to civilisation and you

23 must choose where to bury them. It would be easier to get them to the far bank but the ground is very rocky. To bring them to the near bank would be much more difficult because of the depth of the water and the speed of the current, but once on the bank the job would be relatively easier because the ground is soft.

24 On which side of the river would you bury the dead???

25 Lack of interest  It bores you.  It doesn’t concern you.  You have other more important things on your mind- professional or personal.

26 Some cues:  Staring into the distance.  Sitting on the edge of the chair.  Moving towards the door  Packing the bag.  Saying ‘yes’ ‘no’ or nodding without conviction.

27 Beliefs and attitude

28  We all have opinions on a variety of issues.  We feel strongly about certain subjects  We value certain behaviors.

29  You tend not to listen when your beliefs and attitudes are challenged or opposed.

30 Reactions to the speaker

31 Emerson once said... “ What you are, sounds so loudly in my ears that I can’t hear what you say ”.

32 Some stumbling blocks-  Accent  Mannerism  Use of certain words

33 Our preconceptions

34  Hierarchy  Education  Profession  Social Status  Race  Age/Gender

35 The words we hear

36  Pet Phrases  Over repetition of words  Unfamiliar words  Jargons

37 English Language has nearly half a million words and an average person uses a tiny proportion, may be 3- 4 thousand only.

38 A point worth remembering is that same words mean different things to different people.

39 A few of such words are –. Call it a day. Help. Back ground. Condition

40 Physical Distractions

41  Noise  Dress  Physical background  Non-visibility of the speaker  Gestures

42 How we show we are not listening…

43 . Turn-away. Shuffle papers on your desk. Put papers in your brief- case. Have a glazed look

44 . Pick up a file and start reading.Turn and talk to someone else. Not respond to a question intentionally. Continue to look at the monitor

45 At times signs of concentration, deep thought, comfort in the proceedings by leaning back in the chair, ….. may at times be construed as not listening.

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