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Published byAnnice Fletcher Modified over 9 years ago
MIP Workbench: Revisions FEMA Learning Management System TASK LEAD ROLE MODULE
Welcome to the Revisions Task Lead module of the “MIP Workbench: Revisions” course. The role of the Task Lead comprises the bulk of a case review which includes the preliminary and detailed technical engineering review, the generation of the LOMR determination document and attachments, and the issuance of the determination. All of these steps, and others, are tracked within the MIP revisions workflow for the Task Lead. Task Lead Functionality: Task Leads have the ability to review data received, receive additional data, process requests, distribute invoices, distribute determinations, receive BFE publication affidavits, receive appeals or protests, resolve appeals or protests, distribute special responses, and distribute final BFE determinations. 4 Revisions Workflow Link MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Overview
The website to access the MIP is Once you navigate to this webpage you must go to the login screen to login as an authenticated user by entering your username and password. Your username and the role of Task Lead is associated with your MIP user account which is established through your regional manager and MIPHelp. NOTE: After 3 failed login attempts, you will be locked out and will need to contact MIPHelp to regain access. 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Overview: Log in
The Task Lead’s workbench is comprised of various tabs which will lead you to different portals within the MIP. The tabs available are: Work Items Project Dashboard Reports & Form Letters Search & Retrieve Data Create Project Other useful links on this page: Map Modernization – helpful links to FEMA main website Tools & Links – allows Task Lead to upload to Content Manager outside the workflow Learning – link to Learning Management System (LMS) along with other helpful links Map Viewer – search for flood map info Process Admin – tool for users with the PA role 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Overview: Welcome Screen
The Task Lead’s workbench is the primary location where all the functionality associated with the Task Lead role can be accessed. Each tab contains specific functionality: Work Items Displays all cases tracked in MIP based on user’s role, geography, and organization Project Dashboard Quick visual tracking tool Reports & Form Letters Run various reports and generate LOMR determination document and cover letter Search & Retrieve Data Find data that is stored in Content Manager Create Project Location where user’s with the Project Admin role can create projects MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Overview: Workbench
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Claim an Activity
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Project Data 7 Once an activity is launched, the first module of the activity will appear. A list of all modules within that activity will appear under the Work Item Details heading. Each module represents a separate screen within the activity. Project Data Module: Most of this information will have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created. In this module the Task Lead can review, modify, add, or delete information. Initial Request Date - This value should correspond to the date of the cover letter received with the initial case submittal. Related Case No. - A related case could be a previously dropped case or a previously issued CLOMR. Follows Conditional Case No. - If this project is a follow up to a CLOMR, then that CLOMR case number must be entered in this field in order for it to be populated on the revisions determination document and cover letter. The value entered in this field is required to end in the suffix R. Corrected Copy Case - select Yes if project is to correct a portion of a previously issued LOMR. Suffix will change to X upon work item list refresh. MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Project Data
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Main Requestor Mailing Address Main Requestor Mailing Address Module: Most of this information will have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created. In this module the Task Lead can review, modify, add, or delete information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Other Addresses Other Addresses Module: In this module the Task Lead will enter Secondary contacts for the revision project. Usually this includes the engineer and community official whose names and contact information can be found on Page 2 of MT-2 Form 1. Up to ten contacts can be entered. Once all information is entered in the required fields, the Add Mailing Address button must be clicked in order to save the information to the project. The information will then be consolidated as it appears below. The Task Lead always has the ability to Modify or Delete this information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Flooding Source Flooding Source Module: The flooding source(s) information may have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created. The Task Lead should verify that the flooding source name was entered exactly as it appears on the FIRM, and modify if necessary. All flooding sources affecting the revision should be entered. Once a flooding source is entered, the Add Flood Source button must be clicked in order to save the information to the project. The information will then be consolidated, and the Task Lead will have the ability to Modify or Delete this information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Supplementary Data Supplementary Data Module: In this module, when it is the first cycle through the workflow, the Task Lead will inventory items received with the revision submittal and enter those data items by using the Data Type drop down or by using the Other Data Type free text field. The Date Requested field may be left blank, and the Date Received field can be populated with the date the project was received. In subsequent cycles through the workflow, the Task Lead will modify previously entered data items to update the Date Received field. Existing data can be Modified or Deleted
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: All Data Received All Data Received Module: Enter a date only if all data and fees have been received. This date should correspond to the most recent date entered in the Date Received field in the Supplementary Data Module. If additional data and/or fees are pending (i.e. a required item does not have a value entered in the Date Received field) leave the All Data Received field blank and click Continue. However, the user will need to select the Letter Type Request Additional Data & Fees in the subsequent Letters Module. If previous workflow cycles have been completed, a date may appear in the All Data Received field. The user will need to delete the date from this field if new data has been requested since the previous time that all data was received.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Fee Information Fee Information Module: This information will be entered by the fee administrator. Contact for discrepancies. If fee has been received attach a pdf copy of the payment to the e- mail.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Community Information Community Information Module: The State, County, and Community will have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created. In this module the Task Lead can review, modify, add, or delete information, as well as add the revised Map Panels to the project. In the subsequent Process Request activity, this module will expand to allow the Task Lead to enter detailed determination information. The Add Map Panel button must be clicked in order to save the information to the community. The Add Community button must be clicked once all information is entered in order to save the information to the project. The information will then be consolidated as it appears below. The Task Lead always has the ability to Modify or Delete this information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Letters Letters Module: Each cycle through the workflow requires a Letter Type to be selected which represents official FEMA correspondence between the National Service Provider and the revision requestor. The Letter Type selected determines the path of the workflow. The Letter Date should correspond to the date that appears on the final letter.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the Review Data Received activity can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Review Data Received: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Additional Data: Claim an Activity
If additional data has been received, click the radio button Yes. The additional data received will be reflected in the Review Additional Data Activity on the Supplementary Data module. 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Additional Data: Additional Data Received
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Additional Data: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the Review Data Received activity can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Additional Data: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Claim an Activity
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Project Data 7 Project Data Module: This module is primarily the same as it appears in the Review Data Received activity. The only features added to this module within the Process Request activity, are the Project Description and Basis of Request fields. The values input for each of these areas will be generated on the determination document. Project Description Values: No ProjectBridgeDam ChannelizationCulvertFill Coastal StructureLeveeBerm Channel RelocationExcavationOther Alluvial StructureDet. BasinWeir Struc. Basis of Request Values: Hydraulic AnalysisHydrologic Analysis New Topographic DataFloodway Base Map ChangesCorrection Coastal AnalysisWeir-Dam Changes Levee CertificationAlluvial Fan Analysis Natural Changes MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Project Data
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Main Requestor & Other Addresses Main Requestor Mailing Address Module and Other Addresses Module: Both of these modules appear in Process Request just the same as in Review Data Received. Most of this information will have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created, however the Task Lead will still have the ability within this activity to review, modify, add, or delete information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Flooding Source Flooding Source Module: This module appears in Process Request just the same as it did in Review Data Received. The flooding source(s) information may have been entered by the Project Administrator when the project was created. The Task Lead should verify that the flooding source name was entered exactly as it appears on the FIRM, and modify if necessary. All flooding sources affecting the revision should be entered. Once a flooding source is entered, the Add Flood Source button must be clicked in order to save the information to the project. The information will then be consolidated, and the Task Lead will have the ability to Modify or Delete this information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Supplementary Data Supplementary Data Module: In order for a project to push to Process Request in the workflow all data and fees must have been received. If once the project is in Process Request, the Task Lead may still request additional data by entering it in the Supplementary Data modue. If the there is no outstanding required data that needs to be requested, then this module may be bypassed without entering any information. Existing data can be Modified or Deleted
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Invoice Information Invoice Information Module: This module only applies to Alluvial Fan, Levee, Berm or Other Structural Measure, or PMR projects and will not appear for any other type of revision. Enter the amount to be invoiced for the Alluvial Fan review. This will trigger the Distribute Invoice activity in the workflow once the project has been pushed in the workflow past the FEMA Revision Lead activity of Review Determination.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Fee Information Fee Information Module: This module in Process Request will appear just as it did in Review Data Received. This information will be entered by the fee administrator. Contact for discrepancies. If fee has been received attach a pdf copy of the payment to the e- mail.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Community Information Community Information Module: The Community Information module within Process Request appears significantly different than in previous activities. Each existing community will need to be brought into edit mode in order to add determination information. The information entered in the portal within this activity will be used to populate fields on the determination document. Follow the on-screen step-by-step instruction to correctly enter the information. Community Information module can be bypassed without entering information if the project is a CLOMR.
Click Existing Communities Link Screen will adjust to bottom Bing an existing community into edit mode by clicking “Modify” MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Community Information MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 1 Modify Existing Community
2 6 11A MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 2 Add Map Type to Existing Map Panels
Add information for each flooding source affecting community When Zone Axx is selected from dropdown, fields to the right will activate Second page will automatically be generated if information does not fit on page 1 10 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 3 Add Summary of Revisions to each FS
Determination Cover Letter 11B MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 4 Add Annotated Mapping & Study Enc.
9 20 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 5 Add Determination Information
Indicate if Ordinance Adoption period required 20 8 STEP 6 STEP 7 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Step 6 Lat & Long and Step 7 Ordinance Adoption
This section will assist in generating standard paragraphs underThis section will assist in generating standard paragraphs under Community Obligation (Variable 17) Community Obligation (Variable 17)Community Obligation (Variable 17)Community Obligation (Variable 17) Community Reminders (Variable 18) Community Reminders (Variable 18)Community Reminders (Variable 18)Community Reminders (Variable 18) Status of NFIP Maps (Variable 19) Status of NFIP Maps (Variable 19)Status of NFIP Maps (Variable 19)Status of NFIP Maps (Variable 19) Click “Add Community” to add all info entered in steps 1 – 8 to the community MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Community Info: Select Applicable Community Information
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Interim Letters Interim Letters Module: If the project has taken longer than the regulatory 90 days to process, then an interim letter is sent and that information is captured within this module. Select the interim letter type and enter the date shown on the final letter, as well as any applicable notes. If an interim letter was not sent, then this module may be bypassed without entering any information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Violation Status Violation Status Module: If the project has a violation select the violation type from the drop down If the project is not a violation, then this screen can be bypassed without entering any information.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Letters Letters Module: If no additional data was requested in the Supplementary Data module and determination information was entered in the Community Information module, then Determination letter to FEMA should be selected as the Letter Type within this module. The Letter Date should correspond to the date that the revision project is sent to FEMA for review and approval.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the Process Request activity can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Process Request: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Invoice: Claim an Activity
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Invoice Distribute Invoice Module: This activity only applies to Alluvial Fan revision projects and will not appear for any other type of revision. Enter the Letter Date that appears on the final invoice that is mailed.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Invoice: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered. Expanded view of Fee Invoice Information
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Determination: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Within Distribute Determination a Content Manager upload portlet will appear. Revision user’s do not use the Citrix Web Interface and can ignore this portion of the screen.
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Determination: Claim an Activity
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Determination Distribute Determination Module: This module will show the Task Lead the FEMA Lead Determination Results including any comments they may have entered. The Task Lead is to enter the issue date of the determination and publication information, if applicable. This module will also display the letter code that was generated based on the information entered in the Determination Section in the Community Information module within the Process Request activity. The Task Lead should verify that the correct letter code was generated. If it was not, MIP Help should be contacted to change to letter code.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Determination: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Determination: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Within Distribute Determination a Content Manager upload portlet will appear. Revision user’s do not use the Citrix Web Interface and can ignore this portion of the screen.
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive BFE Publication Affidavit: Claim an Activity
Receive BFE Publication Affidavit Module: This module allows the Task Lead to enter information regarding when the Newspaper affidavit was received and the final dates that the BFEs were published in the local newspaper for a revision project. The Affidavit Date can be obtained from Project Administration. The publication dates can be assumed to be the same as were listed on the determination document unless Project Administration lets the Task Lead know otherwise. The Appeal/Protest Period End Date is specific to each revision and depends on the type of revision (i.e. 90 days after second publication date for BFE changes; 30 days after second publication date for SFHA increases). 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive BFE Publication Affidavit
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive BFE Publication Affidavit: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive BFE Publication Affidavit: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Appeals or Protest: Claim an Activity
Receive Appeals or Protest Module: If no appeals or protests were received during the Appeals/Protest Period, then the top section of this module can be left blank. The bottom section, Appeal/Protest Period Complete needs to have the radio button Yes selected in order to complete this activity. 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Appeals or Protest – None Received
4 Receive Appeals or Protest Module: If an appeal or protest was received during the Appeal/Protest Period, enter the appropriate information and click Add Appeal/Protest. The information entered will appear consolidated below and the Task Lead will have the ability to Modify or Delete this information. To complete this task the appeal/protest period must be complete and the radio button Yes selected. Until this is done, this activity will continue to show up on the Task Lead’s workbench until they complete the activity with the Yes radio button selected indicating that the Appeal/Protest Period is complete. MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Appeals or Protest – Appeal/Protest Received
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Appeals or Protest: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Receive Appeals or Protest: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Resolve Appeals or Protest: Claim an Activity
Resolve Appeals or Protest Module: If an appeal(s) or protest is received it will trigger the workflow activity Resolve Appeal or Protest. The appeal or protest can either be Accepted or Rejected. Coordination with FEMA must be made in order to resolve the conflict. Completing this activity will push the project to the Review Appeal or Protest activity on the FEMA Revision Lead’s workbench. 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Resolve Appeals or Protest
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Resolve Appeals or Protest: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Resolve Appeals or Protest: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. 4 Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Special Response: Claim an Activity
Distribute Special Response Module: Once the FEMA Revision Lead completes their activity of Reviewing the Appeal or Protest and they accept the outcome, then the project will be pushed through the workflow to the Task Lead’s workbench in the activity Distribute Special Response. The date appearing on the final mailed copy of this letter should be entered as well as any comments. If a new revision project was opened as a consequence of the appeal or protest, this new project number should also be entered. 4 MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Special Response
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Special Response: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Resolve Appeals or Protest: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
The Work Item List will display all projects associated with the Task Lead’s role, geography, and organization. If another user has the same role, geography, and organization, then both users will see the same projects on their Work Item List. To claim a project, click the green Claim button. Once a project is claimed it will no longer appear on other user’s Work Items Lists. Once a project is claimed the Item Name will activate into a hot link which the user can click to launch the activity. j Click the hot link to launch the activity MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Final BFE Determination: Claim an Activity
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Final BFE Determination Letter Distribute Final BFE Determination Letter: The Task Lead should enter the date of the 116 letter once it has been mailed. Any comments can be added in the Comments field. Within Distribute Final BFE Determination a Content Manager upload portlet will appear. Revision user’s do not use the Citrix Web Interface and can ignore this portion of the screen. This portlet can also be accessed outside of the workflow through the Tools & Links tab.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Final BFE Determination Letter: Review Data Review Data Module: All information associated with the project can be viewed from this module. To expand a single module, click the arrow located to the left of the module name. To view all modules, click the Expand All hot link to show all data fields and information entered.
MIP Revisions Task Lead Role Functionality Distribute Final BFE Determination Letter: Complete Task Complete Task: A brief reminder message will be displayed reminding that once the Complete Task button is clicked, the Task Lead will no longer be able to work in this activity and the project will then progress to the next step in the workflow. Once Complete Task is clicked a brief message will be displayed stating that the task (activity) has been completed. The project has now moved to the next step in the workflow. Click the expand window button to return to the Work Items List. Click here to expand Task Lead’s Work Item List
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