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By: Cecil Ramsay.  Provides energy  There are 2 types of carbs  Good Sources: bran, barley, potatoes, corn, beans  Makes your blood sugar rise  Bad.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cecil Ramsay.  Provides energy  There are 2 types of carbs  Good Sources: bran, barley, potatoes, corn, beans  Makes your blood sugar rise  Bad."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cecil Ramsay

2  Provides energy  There are 2 types of carbs  Good Sources: bran, barley, potatoes, corn, beans  Makes your blood sugar rise  Bad Sources: candy, white flours, soda, chocolate  Burning carbs helps make your body warm  180-230 carbs per day recommended

3  3 types of fats  Saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated  9 calories per gram of fat  Bad fats can lead kids into obesity and other diseases  Good Sources: vegetables, organic oils, fish, nuts  Bad Sources: meat, fast food, hydrogenated oils  Fat provides back-up energy if blood sugar supplies run out

4  Builds, maintains and repairs body tissue  50 grams per day recommended for teens  Good Sources: beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts  Bad sources: deli slices, fried protein  More than one type of protein  Protein is an essential component of the diet  Proteins are composed of small units

5  There are two types of vitamins  Fat soluble and water-soluble  Good Sources: orange and green vegetables, orange fruits, eggs  Bad Sources: fried foods, candy, soda  Provides energy  Helps with eyesight, growth and boosts immune system  Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K

6  2 types of minerals  Major (large) minerals and trace minerals  Helps your body grow, develop, and stay healthy  Good Sources: Milk, cheese, meats, fruits etc.  Bad Sources: fast foods, energy drinks, candy etc.  Provides essential nutrients  Calcium mineral builds bones and teeth

7  Helps move food through the digestive system  2 types of fiber  Soluble fiber and Insoluble fiber  Contains no calories  Good Sources: bran, whole wheat bread, some beans ect.  Prevents diabetes and heart disease

8  Carries oxygen to cells  0 types  Important during sports, reduces dehydration  Each cell depends on it to function normally  Part of immune system, helps fight illness  Body needs water for many important jobs  Can’t survive without water

9        kids/ kids/   

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