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Economic Initiatives and alternatives Presentation for ELM 2010 Sustainability at Bhaktivedanta Manor farm.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Initiatives and alternatives Presentation for ELM 2010 Sustainability at Bhaktivedanta Manor farm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Initiatives and alternatives Presentation for ELM 2010 Sustainability at Bhaktivedanta Manor farm

2 Present assets in terms of preaching Walking our talk (to some degree). Providing milk, vegetables, flowers for deity and temple use. Goshalla attracts much interest and appreciation – Many newspapers have run articles about manor farm and goshalla – Documentary and film presentation have been made about farm and shown on national television – Radio interviews are done regularly by local radio and by national radio when topic is more important (Gangotri campaign - On our farm – A place to show VIPS (ISKCON and Outside) Flagship of non-violent milk production – An alternative example for vegan sympathisers – Understanding the costs of cow protection milk production Goshalla visited by 45,000 persons annually

3 Continued…… Service opportunity for hundreds in goseva and vegetable production Ox wagon transport for visiting schools, wedding couples, Sunday ox tours Growing interest by potential customers of purchasing cow protection milk at sustainable pricing Important for ISKCON communication that we are doing something Training others in ox dependent farming Providing produce grown from own farm to temples and congregation Growing food for visitors to feed the cows Great interest (100+) persons wanting to come and do voluntary farming (WWOOF)

4 Present assets in terms of sustainability Have been producing milk since 1973 Milk used by deities – Temple management committed to having all deity milk products from own cows Strong and growing financial support from congregation and sympathisers Goshalla working from own financial budget. – Maintained mainly by 1. milk sales to departments 2. Donations Key goshalla services done by persons receiving livelihoods Project has invested £2.5 million in new goshalla. Management demonstrating commitment

5 continued Built dairy Built ox mill Key horticultural manager receives livelihood Have been growing 70% of deity garland flowers for at least 30 years. With flower production since 1973 Have been growing 30% of deity vase flowers for at least 30 years. With flower production since 1973

6 Plans to increase project sustainability Develop dairy to stage of small business Develop ox mill to stage of small business Develop sales of cow protection milk products at sustainable prices Expand outlets taking our vegetables Expand flower production to provide for central London temple Develop donor base further Gradual increase in pricing to temple departments of milk and vegetables

7 Obstacles Price differentiation between cost of production and price departments willing to pay (Market price addiction) Milk capacity. May not have enough milk Insufficient accommodation Complacency of own milk production when milk is available in market place UK cost of living so high Price differentiation between cost of production and price departments willing to pay (Market price addiction) Milk capacity. May not have enough milk Insufficient accommodation Complacency of own milk production when milk is available in market place UK cost of living so high

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