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Page 75 Page 76 Biotechnology Intro. EQ: What is biotechnology? How has agriculture changed over time? Warm up Why should you use antibiotics as prescribed?

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Presentation on theme: "Page 75 Page 76 Biotechnology Intro. EQ: What is biotechnology? How has agriculture changed over time? Warm up Why should you use antibiotics as prescribed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 75 Page 76 Biotechnology Intro. EQ: What is biotechnology? How has agriculture changed over time? Warm up Why should you use antibiotics as prescribed? After the test: Autopsy or DE Infectious Disease Simulation Homework: NO new HW Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Thursday, December 18, 2014 Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Thursday, December 18, 2014 Microbes and Diseases Test Bio- = Technology = What is Biotechnology? Any manipulation of a living matter to improve the human condition or the environment. Synonym: Bioengineering Common Disease Cause & Symptoms Treatment

2 Page 77 Page 78 Biotechnology New Essential Question: What is biotechnology? Warm up 1.What do you know about cloning? 2. What do you know about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)? Homework: Enjoy your break!!! Friday, December 19, 2014 Monday, January 5, 2015 Friday, December 19, 2014 Monday, January 5, 2015 Biotechnology Bio- = Technology = What is Biotechnology? Any manipulation of a living matter to improve the human condition or the environment. Synonym: Bioengineering 1. Bill Nye 1. Bill Nye (24:57) 2. Video: DE - …Harvest PROS CONS

3 Biotechnology Timeline Activity 1. Organize the cards into a timeline. 2. Consider the significance of each event. 3. Discuss these questions after you organize your timeline. What equipment do you think American farmers used in 1850? What did they not use? What roles did animals play in farming? How is farming today different from farming in 1850? What are some challenges that farmers face and How have agricultural engineers influenced the way food is produced?

4 Page 79 Page 80 Biotechnology Research Essential Question: How has biotechnology been used in agriculture and medicine? What is the controversy of biotechnology? Warm up: What is the difference between natural selection and selective breeding? Which involves human input? Homework: 1. Castle learning practice (due Mon./Tues.). 2. FYI quiz next class. Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Biotechnology Research What is Biotechnology? Any manipulation of a living matter to improve the human condition or the environment. Three Informational Text Analyses 1.Biotechnology in Agriculture Choose One 2.Biotechnology in Medicine Choose One 3.The Controversy of Biotechnology Research your own

5 History’s Harvest Activity 2- Show the video segment History’s Harvest: Where Food Comes From. In a sweeping view of 10,000 years of agricultural history, this program traces the developments in agriculture that led to major breakthroughs in societal structure and the way we live.History’s Harvest: Where Food Comes From Pause at 1:28: Ask students why some people are concerned about eating genetically modified food. Continue to play the video. Pause at 2:19: Some scientists maintain that genetically modified food is safe. What is their evidence and reasoning? Ask students what they think “genetic engineering” involves At 8:25: Ask for a show of hands of who has eaten corn like the original plant shown in the video. Then explore with the students their favorite way to eat corn and how today’s corn differs from the original corn plant shown in the video segment. Ask why the corn we eat today looks so different from the original corn shown in the video Ask students to share an opinion on genetically modifying food. Ask: Do you think that it is unsafe to tamper with the genes in plants that we eat? Why or why not? Have students share their opinions, backing them up with evidence and reasoning as much as they are able to at this point, and discuss each side of the controversy.

6 Why is it necessary for agricultural practices to continue changing? What agricultural engineering technologies do today’s farmers use to increase food production and quality? What social and environmental problems do bioengineering technologies in agriculture pose? What factors do people consider when designing and using bioengineered products that come from agriculture and food industries?

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