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September 17, 2014 I can create a profile story. I can edit my story. I can identify good and bad headlines. I can create effective headlines.

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Presentation on theme: "September 17, 2014 I can create a profile story. I can edit my story. I can identify good and bad headlines. I can create effective headlines."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 17, 2014 I can create a profile story. I can edit my story. I can identify good and bad headlines. I can create effective headlines.

2 Current Log   Name of story or article (headline)  What moral questions is most prominently discussed?  What is a significant statement or quote from the story?  List the statement/quote AND the significance.  Who will be impacted and how?  Publication info: Where did the story come from? When was it published?  Is it local (within our state), national, or international news?  What is your opinion?

3 Journal  My worst mistake was..  You have an extra $100,000 to give away; you cannot spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money?

4 Profile Stories  9/11 profile story is due Friday (if not already turned in).  Your choice…  You will write a profile story about a person or group of people of your choice.  Focus on revealing background, accomplishments, challenges, etc.

5 Assignment Requirements You will write a profile story about a person or group of people of your choice.  Must be at least 200 words  Use 12 point font  Use Times New Roman Font Style  Double Space  Does not have to be typed, but has to be double spaced and legible!  You must turn in your interview along with your story.  You have about 8 minutes to compile a list of questions.  Ask bio questions  Ask 5ws and h questions  Anticipate follow up questions

6 Examples  Student with interesting talent  Teacher who won an award  A person who may battling cancer

7 Next…  We have discussed and (hopefully) learned tips for interviewing, story structure, story angles, story types, and how to write leads.  Don’t forget you will have a quiz Friday!!!!  You have even practiced writing your own stories.  Now lets focus on Headlines.

8 Headlines  What is the purpose of a headline?  Brainstorm

9 Examine  Examine a few headlines  What are the strengths?  What are the weaknesses?  What do you like/dislike?  Is it an effective (good) headline?  Why/Why not?

10 More Headlines   What about sensitivity?  When is humor/wit appropriate?  Use of verbs  Need for “shorter word” vocabulary

11 Headline Tips  Use the active voice  Use active present-tense verbs  A “capital idea”  The first word in the headline should be capitalized as should all proper nouns.  Some organizations capitalize the first letter of every word.  Number, please  When using numbers in a headline- do not spell it out.  Example: 3 die in crash

12 Group Activity  In groups, read the story and write an original headline.  Trade stories and write an original headline for the second story.  Share  Discuss  Reveal true headlines.

13 Practice  Practice writing headlines.

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