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Engaging in your JOURNEY TOGETHER ___________________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging in your JOURNEY TOGETHER ___________________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging in your JOURNEY TOGETHER ___________________________________________

2 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.” Matthew 19: 5-6

3 X Years Amount y ^ Wedding Day 1020 30 40 Time together Self-Disclosure Prayer together Patterns of Behavior

4 X Years Amount y Wedding Day 1020 30 40 Time together Self-Disclosure Prayer together E ngaging in your Journey Together

5 Stay Engaged by being: Present Personal Prayerful

6 Time Open Pray

7 T O P T O P

8 Time together

9 Time 1. Time together Quality time, no distractions 2. Time talking Sharing feelings, deep disclosure 3. Time in shared activities Activities you both enjoy (or other) 4. Time just hanging out (most imp) Just being around and available

10 There are Only 3 Ways to create more time: ______________________________ 1. ADD to your schedule. 2. MODIFY your schedule. 3. DELETE from your schedule.

11 Add, modify, delete: ______________________________________________________ 1. Schedule 10-minutes of daily couples time 2. Stay up later (add 30 minutes to your day) 3. Wake up earlier (add 30 minutes to your day) 4. Do chores together (volunteer only 2x month) 5. Modify your volunteer time (only 2x month) 6. Watch 30 minutes less of television or computer 7. Drop a commitment (resign from a committee) 8. Block off time (Friday morning dates) 9. Quit your softball team, surfing, book club, or job

12 OPEN with one another

13 Open with one another ______________________________ 1. Ask questions (open up) 2. Non-evaluative listening 3.Mirror (“Are you saying…?”)

14 Levels of Communication: 1. SURFACE TALK 2. FACTS 3. OPINIONS 4.FEELINGS

15 Levels of Communication : 1. SURFACE TALK Hey… Whatever... I’m all… 2. FACTS My name is.., I was born in.., I weigh… 3. OPINIONS I think.. I believe.., It’s good that.. 4. FEELINGS I love you, I’m sad, I’m pleased..

16 Known to me Unknown to me Unknown to otherKnown to other 4 UNKNOWN 1 OPEN 3 BLIND 2 HIDDEN Johari Window

17 Known to me Unknown to me Unknown to otherKnown to other UNKNOWN OPEN BLIND HIDDEN Pattern in Marriage

18 Known to me Unknown to me Unknown to otherKnown to other UNKNOWN OPEN BLIND HIDDEN Goal in Marriage

19 “LOVE PYRAMID” Opens Us Up

20 (REVIEW) Levels of Communication: 1. SURFACE TALK 2. FACTS 3. OPINIONS 4. FEELINGS

21 One person speaks at a time No interrupting, evaluating, or reshaping spouse’s suggestions. Smile, nod, and “Amen” to affirm or encourage spouse 1. 4. Give your spouse one specific compliment their ideas or behavior. 1. Fact “What happened today?” 2. Thought 2. Thought “What did you think about that?” 3. Feeling “How did you feel about that?” 4. God’s Lesson “What was (is) God showing you?”

22 Pray for your wife

23 Pray for your wife ______________________________ 1. Your primary responsibility 2. Pray for your wife 3. Pray with your wife

24 As the husband, you are the spiritual leader of the family.

25 Pray for your wife ______________________________ 1. Pray with a purpose 2. Pray for your wife 3. Pray with your wife

26 Husbands, be: Present Personal Prayerful

27 Time Open Pray

28 T O P T O PT O P T O P

29 Husbands, Strive for the TOP Husbands, Strive for the TOP

30 Engaging in your JOURNEY TOGETHER ___________________________________________

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