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Culinary Delights in China a brilliant facet of Chinese culture, Chinese restaurants are found everywhere throughout the world.

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2 Culinary Delights in China a brilliant facet of Chinese culture, Chinese restaurants are found everywhere throughout the world.

3  Regional Chinese Cuisines  Every Dish Has a History  Introduction  Warmth and Hospitality Expressed by Food 八大菜系 eight schools of cuisine

4 Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor  Introduction 川菜川菜 Sichuan Cuisine

5  Introduction 鲁菜鲁菜 Shangdong Cuisine

6  Introduction 湘菜湘菜 Hunan Cuisine

7  Introduction 浙江菜浙江菜 Zhejiang Cuisine

8  Introduction 安微菜安微菜 Anhui Cuisine

9  Introduction 闽菜闽菜 Guangdong Cuisine

10 饺子 Jiaozi / meat and vegetable dumplings 锅盔 Sichuan Pastries 粽子 Zongzi / glutinous rice wrapped in a pyramid shape in reed leaves

11 2 Regional Chinese Cusines

12 Regional Chinese Cultures 5 It is widely acknowledged that from the Ming and Qing dynasties onwards, there are eight major schools of cuisine based on regional cooking. They came from Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, and Anhui provinces. Every place has its own local specialties.

13 Sichuan Cuisine characterized by its spicy emphasizes on the use of chili, garlic, ginger, prickly ash Regional Chinese Cultures 水煮鱼 Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil

14 谭鱼头 — 鱼头 (火锅) Tan Fish Head Hotpot 夫妻肺片 pork lungs in chili sauce famous for numb and hot Tan Family Fish Head restaurant ( 谭鱼头;以 “ 谭 鱼头火锅 ” 为核心产品 ) Sichuan Cuisine

15 Guangdong Cuisine Regional Chinese Cultures 2 located in southern China, with a moderate climate and abundant produce all year round. Famous for its seafood as well as for its originality and refined cooking processes. 百合鲫鱼汤 Lily and fish soup

16 Zhejiang Cuisine Regional Chinese Cultures 3 freshness tenderness mellow fragrance 西湖醋鱼 West Lake Vinegar Fish

17 Then let’s have a glimpse of other cuisines and try to figure out the English Name of these dishes presented on the following pictures.

18 stewed porking Home-made Mao style sauce 毛氏红烧肉 Hunan Cuisine Fish Head with Two Flavors 鸳鸯鱼头 steamed Assorted preserved meat 腊味合蒸

19 狮子头 stewed pork ball in brown sauce 糖醋鲤鱼 sweat and sour carp Shandong Cuisine

20 阳澄湖大闸蟹阳澄湖大闸蟹 霸王别姬霸王别姬 Jiangsu Cuisine Farewell my concubine Yang chen Lake hairy crab

21 Fujian Cuisine 板指干贝 Ring dried scallop 七星鱼丸 stuffed fish meat balls

22 火腿炖甲鱼 stewed soft shell turtle with ham 杨梅丸子 myrica rubra meatball Anhui Cuisine

23 Eight major schools of cuisine 菜系口味 鲁菜咸、鲜 (salty,fresh) 川菜麻辣 (numb, spicy) 苏菜甜 (sweet) 粤菜甜、鲜 (sweet, fresh) 闽菜酸甜( sour, sweet) 浙菜鲜、荤油 (fresh, greasy) 湘菜辣 (spicy) 徽菜咸 ( salty)

24 3 Everyday Dish Has a history

25 A good name can make the dish more interesting. However, some names are so eccentric that they may confuse people, both Chinese and foreigners. If you only translate the names literally with no explanation, you may make a fool of yourself.

26 Mapo Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce) 麻婆豆腐是川菜的代表之一,它的 特点是又麻又辣。做这道菜要把豆 腐弄烂,以便麻辣味浸透,所以称 为麻破豆腐,但 “ 破 ” 字不吉祥,所 以称为 “ 麻婆豆腐 ” 。 “ 麻婆豆腐 ” 的 “ 麻 ” 字是指麻辣而言,与创制 “ 麻辣 豆腐 ” 的女老板的长相并无关系。

27 4 Warmth and Hospitality Expressed by Food

28 In China. food eaten during festivals is particularly important. At different festivals, people partake of ( 吃, 喝 ) different fare

29 Super Skills of Chinese Chefs

30 Sichuan dandan noodles, much like the pared noodles of Shanxi, are a staple ( 主食 ) for ordinary people.

31 Ingredients sauce of sesame oil, chili pepper oil, Chinese prickly ash oil, mustard oil, garlic oil, fennel oil, chicken oil, tips of pea vines, chopped green onions, bean-sprouts.

32 Exercises 5

33 video

34 Translate the following names of cuisines into Chinese. Translate the following names of cuisines into Chinese. 1)Tan Family Fish Head 2)West Lake Vinegar Fish 3)Jiaozi / Meat and Vegetable water dumplings 4)Sichuan dandan noodles 5)Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil 谭头鱼 西湖醋鱼 饺子 四川担担面 水煮鱼


36 Thank you Bon Appétit

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