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Computing Basics Understanding the components, history and impact on todays life. Krista Sweckard, Newell High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Basics Understanding the components, history and impact on todays life. Krista Sweckard, Newell High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Basics Understanding the components, history and impact on todays life. Krista Sweckard, Newell High School

2 Objectives Students will: Describe the components that make up a computer system Discuss the history of computing Identify how computers and technology have changed our lives

3 Activities Vocabulary Flash Cards Ink Flash Cards Vocabulary Flash Cards Discussion Board WebCT6 Discussion Board Time Line Inspiration Time Line Scavenger Hunt Filamentality Scavenger Hunt

4 Assessment Discussion participation Vocabulary Quiz Scavenger Hunt Rubric

5 Classroom Connections Questions How will you get the content in to your Tablet so you can use the power of digital ink and other Tablet tools? I will create content using PowerPoint, Journal and OneNote, posting information in WebCT as well as my website. How will the students receive their portion of the assignment? WebCT Assignments

6 Classroom Connections Questions What will the students be doing during the lesson presentation? Taking notesOneNote Classroom Discussion How will the student portion be submitted to you for evaluation? WebCT for assignments and quizzes. Filamentality Scavenger Hunt online.

7 Classroom Connections Questions How will you use the TabletPC to evaluate the student work? WebCT to receive and return work. Journal to ink and return comments. What will be the strategy to return completed assignment to your student? WebCT Will there time when the lids will be down on the student computers? As needed

8 Classroom Connections Questions Describe what challenges you see you may have in managing your classroom and what your thoughts would be for handling those. I dont see a lot of major challenges, but I hope to rotate screens on tablets and also implement classroom monitoring software. How repeatable is this lesson strategy for lessons you will be teaching? I think that the strategy and concepts are repeatable as this is basically same style of all my lessons.

9 VocabularyInk Flash Cards A great way to review vocabulary words and concepts that will be required for mastery of lesson. Write, type or import information from OneNote or Journal.

10 Discussion BoardWebCT6 Students to explore higher order thinking skills by answering initial posts and responding to other students.

11 Time Line--Inspiration Create a basic linear timeline or web to reinforce historical dates and or events. Use notes that hide but are still attached to each year or event.

12 Scavenger Hunt--Filamentality Students will create an Internet Scavenger hunt using Filamentality to share and to reinforce knowledge learned from research.

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