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How to ready P3 projects for the market JULY 21 st, 2015.

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1 How to ready P3 projects for the market JULY 21 st, 2015

2 How to ready P3 projects for the market Work diligently with all stakeholders to IDENTIFY POTENTIAL P3’S. DEVELOP A CONSISTENT AND TRANSPARENT VETTING PROCESS that will help determine the projects viability and feasibility. Develop a process to DETERMINE THE POLITICAL WILL and citizen support for each project. Clearly DEFINE THE SHARED RISKS AND BENEFITS for all stakeholders. Make sure that YOU CAN AFFORD the project. Develop a STRATEGIC Communication plan to thoroughly inform all stakeholders.

3 How to ready P3 projects… Make sure that you have the SUPPORTING LEGISLATION to enter into P3 negotiations...In the Federal space, the supporting authorities and legislation. Suggest a dedicated P3 ORGANIZATION that is only dedicated to P3’s- to compete this is a very critical step for the Private Sector… They are thoroughly dedicated to analyzing the project should the Government should be. THOROUGHLY PRPEPARE the project “ for the street”… make sure it is viable and worthy of PS consideration (financially, technically, commercially). DON’T CUT CORNERS… this is your product, do everything you can to make the project “bankable” and worthy of their investment. The project must SERVE THE LONG TERM NEEDS AND BENEFITIS OF YOUR STAKEHOLDERS.

4 THEY ARE DIFFERENT and have different legislation, authorities and regulations to consider. The PRIVATE SECTOR INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY can take many shapes… one of which is to work closely with their governmental stakeholders to find creative ways to work within the system. BE A PARTNER, bring the ideas forward and don’t focus on the obstacles but on the solutions… e.g. how to build a project that can work with scoring regulations. The marriage of fresh and salt H20…. Sound business practices

5 TODAY’S ECONOMY HAS CREATED an Environment for P3 Success.. Tight economy, limited funds but still the need to constantly improve our infrastructure for economic viability. USED PROPERLY, P3’s can be a very effective tool to utilize limited funding for stakeholder maximum benefit… P3’s should be a VITAL COMPONENT of an agency’s procurement plan and must BE TREATED AS SUCH… They are NOT PART-TIME component… suggest that all projects over a certain monetary level ( e.g. $100 Million) should be vetted for P3 viability. Sound business practices continued…

6 As stated a DEDICATED STAFF that is not tied to any specific division of an agency should have responsibility for P3 development… The P3 staff SHOULD REPORT to the HIGHEST LEADERSHIP position within their governing body as possible within their governing body. This is not a SECONDARY EFFORT but A VERY KEY potential component for success in today’s infrastructure world.

7 The keys to failure in the P3 infrastructure world… Don’t explore this component thoroughly… “Ready, fire, aim”… Don’t prepare and ready your product for market. Don’t think out of the box where needed. We don’t do things that way… yet our infrastructure currently ranked 16 th in the world continues to slide backward precipitously. Let’s wait it out, it will pass or it will get better… keep the status quo. The death knell of “ fait d’accompli”.

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