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MI-WIC R ELEASE 6.0 W EBCAST A PRIL 3, 2014 Laurie Perrelli Regina Poole.

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Presentation on theme: "MI-WIC R ELEASE 6.0 W EBCAST A PRIL 3, 2014 Laurie Perrelli Regina Poole."— Presentation transcript:

1 MI-WIC R ELEASE 6.0 W EBCAST A PRIL 3, 2014 Laurie Perrelli Regina Poole

2 R ELEASE 6.0 Date Changed FROM Thursday April 10 th TO Thursday April 17 th Due to moratorium on system changes Friday April 18 th – Release available in clinics

3 Content of Release 6.0

4 M ATERNAL S MOKING R ISK A SSIGNMENT Risk 37101 Maternal Smoking Currently the system assigns this risk to all PG, BE, BP, NPP that answer the question: “How many cigarettes do you smoke on an average day now?” Number of cigarettes per day (1 – 96) 97 or more cigarettes per day



7 Risk has not been assigning if quantity is unknown

8 Will begin assigning risk for unknown quantity with Release 6.0

9 T IME S TUDY H ISTORY System changes made to address pulling of past Time Study Reports for the purpose of comparing an agency Time Study data from year to year Currently the most recent salary information and 100% NE or BE information is pulled into the report, no matter what year it is run for

10 S TAFF I NFORMATION S CREEN C HANGES 100% NE and 100% BF moved from main screen to the “Staff Salaries” button pop-up




14 V ALIDATIONS System will not allow two rows in the Staff Salaries grid with the same Effective Date System will not allow removal or editing of a row in the grid unless it’s the Same Day it was added When a Time Study Report is run, data is pulled for the report from the most recent row in the grid for the corresponding Fiscal Year of the report

15 T IME S TUDY Q UESTIONS For Time Study questions contact Joyce Bryant, WIC Consultant: (517) 335-8943

16 Currently the system allows an existing infant or child category client that is five years or older to be scheduled an appointment, marked attended, and have Client Info screens updated. The system then prohibits Save on the Certification Action screen with the message “The category selected does not match the age of the client”. R ESTRICTION OF SCHEDULING OF CHILDREN OVER A GE 4

17 Audit issue - Federal Regulations only allow children to participate in the WIC program through 4 years of age Efficiency issue Appt reminder sent Child brought in Staff may begin the cert process R ESTRICTION OF SCHEDULING OF CHILDREN OVER A GE 4

18 System Validations Implemented: For a Male client that is greater than or equal to age five, do not allow an appointment to be scheduled. For a Female client that is > age 5, with a Scheduling Category that is NOT a PG, NPP, BP or BE, do not allow an appointment to be scheduled. For a Female client that is > age 5 and is less than 10 years old”. Do you want to save?” with OK and Cancel options. For a Female client that is > age 10 with a Scheduling Category that IS a PG, NPP, BP or BE, allow the appointment to be scheduled.


20 2014 MI-WIC R ELEASE D ATES April 10/11 17/18 August 14/15 December 11/12 WIC E-Notice sent Letter sent to Health Officers

21 F OOD P ACKAGE C HANGES T ARGETED FOR 5/5/14 Fresh fruit and vegetable benefit for child packages increase to $8 per month Dangling quart packages – implement the odd/even rule (will change BACK to ½ gallon every other month) Refer to E-Notice #2014-35 sent March 27th

22 I NCREASE IN FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BENEFITS FOR CHILDREN WIC Final Food Package Rule released by USDA on March 5, 2014 Includes mandatory increase of cash value benefits (CVB) for children from $6 to $8 per month The plan is to make the change effective with benefits that have a start date of May 5 th So the increase will be gradually phased in for clients over May and June depending on their benefit start date

23 C HANGE D ANGLING Q UART F OOD P ACKAGES I MPLEMENT THE O DD /E VEN R ULE Michigan had implemented this initially, USDA considered it over-issuance within a month For cost-containment purposes, USDA has now directed to resume the ½ gallon milk every other month instead of 1 quart monthly

24 T HESE F OOD P ACKAGES WILL BE REVISED TO REPLACE 1 QUART MILK EVERY MONTH TO ½ GALLON MILK EVERY OTHER MONTH C1 MAX(Whole Milk) and C1 MAX (Whole Milk/Infant Cereal) C2/C3/C4 MAX (Lowfat Milk) and C2/C3/C4 MAX (Lowfat Milk/Infant cereal) NPP MAX (Lowfat Milk), NPP MAX (Whole Milk) and NPP MAX (Lowfat Milk/Infant cereal) PG/BP MAX (Lowfat Milk), PG/BP MAX (Whole Milk), PG/BP MAX (Lowfat Milk/Infant cereal)







31 C USTOM P ACKAGES The packages targeted for revision (listed in slide 24) that have been customized: Will automatically have the customized food package ended when this change is implemented The next time benefits are due to be issued, staff will need to re-assign a customized food package


33 L ACTOSE F REE M ILK P ACKAGES In addition: Lactose Free Milk Packages with an odd number of quarts will be revised to provide an even number of quarts every month (i.e., a food package with 13 quarts will provide 14 quarts during odd months and 12 quarts during even months).




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