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A Presentation to the Federal Highway Administration By the State of Florida Department of Transportation Freight Modeling in Florida …….the Teamwork Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation to the Federal Highway Administration By the State of Florida Department of Transportation Freight Modeling in Florida …….the Teamwork Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation to the Federal Highway Administration By the State of Florida Department of Transportation Freight Modeling in Florida …….the Teamwork Approach Freight Modeling in Florida …….the Teamwork Approach

2 Freight Modeling Partnering Tools …… an important decision McCullough: We are here ……and RELAXING Tools for Freight Modeling

3 Building a Modeling TEAM How Modeling grew in Florida Thanks McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure

4 Florida had 15 Urban Areas in 1980

5 25 Urban Areas in 1990 Florida models 25 Urban

6 7 Non-Urban Areas have Models Florida models 25 Urban 7 Non-Urban McCullough: The emerging urban areas will already have model when they too become designated urban area McCullough: The emerging urban areas will already have model when they too become designated urban area

7 Models are Joined to Form Regional Models Southeast Treasure Coast Southwest Tampa Bay Orlando 3 North Central Florida models 25 Urban 7 Non-Urban 6 Regional

8 Florida also has a Statewide Model Florida models 25 Urban 7 Non-Urban 6 Regional 1 Statewide

9 Building a Modeling Team Thanks McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure Goods Movement & Freight Models How Models developed over time Bridging the Policy /Technical gap Organization Sharing Information

10 HOW ORGANIZED District 2 District 4 District 6 District 1 District 3 District 5 5 MPOs 2 MPOs 4 MPOs 5 MPOs 4 MPOs 1 MPO District 7 4 MPOs CENTRAL OFFICE McCullough: CENTRAL OFFICE Click here for decentralization

11 HOW ORGANIZED District 2 District 4 District 6 District 1 District 3 District 5 5 MPOs 2 MPOs 4 MPOs 5 MPOs 4 MPOs 1 MPO District 74 MPOs CENTRAL OFFICE McCullough: District 8 CENTRAL OFFICE

12 HOW ORGANIZED 2 Imran Ghani 4 Shi-Chiang Li 6 Phil Steinmiller 1 Jim Baxter 3 Craig Gavin 5 Susan Sadighi 5 MPOs 2 MPOs 4 MPOs 5 MPOs 4 MPOs 1 MPO 7 Danny Lamb4 MPOs CENTRAL OFFICE McCullough: 8 Joey Gordon

13 Building a Modeling TEAM Thanks McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure McCullough: The Model Task Force is a grou ……..not appointed by Department procedure Bridging the Policy/Technical gap

14 POLICY MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL Assumes technical support State Transportation Planner Transportation Directors Planning Managers MPOAC (25 MPO’s) Regional Planning Councils FHWA (Local & National) Central Office Support TEAM BUILDING POLICY TECHNICA L MANAGEMENT Assumes policy support Florida Model Task Force Task Force Sub- committees Regional User Groups MPO Modelers University Research Centers FHWA (Local & National) Consultants Central Office support The central office functions as the TEAM Facilitator “Bridging the GAP”

15 POLICY MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL Assumes technical support State Transportation Planner Transportation Directors Planning Managers MPOAC (25 MPO’s) Regional Planning Councils FHWA (Local & National) Central Office Support TEAM BUILDING POLICY TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT Assumes policy support Florida Model Task Force Task Force Sub-committees Regional User Groups MPO Modelers University Research Centers FHWA (Local & National) Consultants Central Office support

16 Factors Affecting Freight Demand Freight Demand Direct Factors Direct Factors Indirect Factors Indirect Factors Macro- Economic Factors Demographic Trends Socio-Economic Dynamics Transport Infrastructure Freight Logistics Government Policy Technological Advancements Cost and Level-of-Service

17 Goods Movement Modeling vs. Truck Modeling u Goods Movement Modeling –Macroeconomic based commodity analyses –Multi-modal by nature –Broad brush data, analyses and assumptions u Truck Modeling –Trip based analysis –Can be multi-modal, but most typically truck only –Local data targeting site level analyses

18 75% 20% >200 MILES 5% % Truck Trips <50 MILES 50-200 MILES If most of the TRUCKS make short trips why worry about the long roads (FIHS)

19 Because…. 5% of the Trucks drive 50% of the Miles (50% of VMT)

20 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Big Trucks Small Trucks

21 That’s why the FIHS Is so important 3% of the roads carry more than 50% Of the Truck VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled)

22 Building Freight Partners (Urban, Regional & Statewide) Florida models 25 Urban 7 Non-Urban 6 Regional 1 Statewide Urban Truck Models Regional Truck Models Statewide Highway Freight Model

23 75% 20% 5% % Truck Trips <50 MILES 50-200 MILES Urban Truck Models Regional Truck Models Statewide Highway Freight Model >200 MILES

24 Truck/ Goods Movement Efforts Palm Beach Pensacola Ft. Walton Panama City Tallahassee Jacksonville Gainesville Ocala Spring Hill/Hernando Volusia Orland o Pinellas Hillsborough Pasco Polk Indian River St. Lucie Martin Sarasota Charlotte/ Punta Gorda Lee Broward Miami Truck/Goods Movement Efforts Florida MPO's Legend: 24

25 Freight Modeling Partnering Tools …… an important decision McCullough: We are here ……and RELAXING Tools for Freight Modeling


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