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NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED – 12 – Handout 1 - Belbin BELBIN Team-Role Type ContributionsAllowable Weaknesses PLANT Creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves.

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Presentation on theme: "NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED – 12 – Handout 1 - Belbin BELBIN Team-Role Type ContributionsAllowable Weaknesses PLANT Creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED – 12 – Handout 1 - Belbin BELBIN Team-Role Type ContributionsAllowable Weaknesses PLANT Creative, imaginative, unorthodox. Solves difficult problems. Ignores incidentals. Too pre-occupied to communicate effectively. CO-ORDINATOR Mature, confident, a good chair- person. Clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well. Can often be seen as manipulative. Off loads personal work. MONITOR EVALUATOR Sober, strategic and discerning. Sees all options. Judges accurately. Lacks drive and ability to inspire others. IMPLEMENTER Disciplined, reliable, conservative and effecient. Turns ideas into practical actions. Somewhat inflexible. Slow to respond to new possibilities. COMPLETER FINISHER Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors and omissions. Delivers on time. Inclined to worry unduly. Reluctant to delegate. RESOURCE INVESTIGATOR Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops contacts. Over - optimistic. Loses interest once initial enthusiasm has passed. SHAPER Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. The drive and courage to overcome obstacles. Prone to provocation. Offends people's feelings. TEAMWORKER Co-operative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens, builds, averts friction. Indecisive in crunch situations. SPECIALIST Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated. Provides knowledge and skills in rare supply. Contributes only on a narrow front. Dwells on technicalities.

2 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED The objector … a team member who always points out the difficulties Ask them to suggest a solution to the difficulty they have identified View them as a resource against whom to bounce ideas and suggestions Be prepared for the negative – and use it to improve an idea Regard the statement of difficulty as an invitation to build, not as an obstacle Handout 4 Difficult scenarios The dominator … an individual dominating the meeting Take control constructively Call on other delegates by name Thank, restate pertinent points and move on Avoid eye contact Use your physical position in the room Remodelling Resources v6.0 – Section 5 Remodelling Skills – Page 21

3 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Handout 2 Difficult scenarios The silent one A non-contributing member Don’t put pressure on the participant Acknowledge their contributions – every time they speak Give a non-verbal invitation to speak Ask them if they agree with what’s being said Capitalise on their knowledge and personality Talk to the reluctant participant (outside the meeting) The “know all” An “expert” Don’t react defensively – respect what they can offer Use the person’s expertise – but set limits Encourage the expert to listen Invite the expert to present formally Give the expert an official role in answering people’s questions Remodelling Resources v6.0 – Section 5 Remodelling Skills – Page 22

4 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Handout 3 Difficult scenarios The cynic “I’ve heard it all before” Don’t get defensive or angry Find some merit in what they are saying Bring them in WHEN YOU WANT THEM TO SPEAK Encourage them to concentrate on the positive Talk to them privately – find out if they are upset or annoyed Use the rest of the group to give different viewpoints The fighters Conflict between two team members Don’t intervene too early Emphasise points of agreement, minimise points of disagreement Direct delegates’ attention to the objectives of the meeting Shelve or park the issue for the moment Draw others into the discussion to reduce the one-to-one element De-personalise Remodelling Resources v6.0 – Section 5 Remodelling Skills – Page 23

5 32 HANDOUT 5 - Team Building Blocks Agreed goals and clear objectives Group/team goals defined. Individuals know their contribution to team output. Individual roles Role clarity of each member. If dynamic – regular update/review. Values: Group/team values identified/known. Group works to them. Individuals know and agree. Mutual support and trust Individuals take responsibility for others behaviour/output. Members trust each other’s actions. Members minimize internal checking processes. Sound Management procedures Established management process understood and used. Members free to input/comment on management process effectiveness Appropriate Leadership Style/approach is flexible/responsible to specific situations/conditions. Style balances commitment to task/team/individuals Openness and Confrontation Member’s feel/are free to comment on group/individual activity. No hidden agendas/running scores. Issues ‘on the table’ as a working style. Individual development Development of individuals a priority. Shared responsibility management/self. Growth plans identified/ actioned. Inter Group relations Group/team interfaces managed. Cross functionality encouraged. Inter team working fostered/recognized/rewarded. Communications Open and challengeable. Communication effectiveness monitored. Culture of ‘information availability’. Communication updates a regular process. Regular Review Mechanism/attitudes in place to review good as well as poor results. Culture of continuous improvement. Performance reviews of individuals and team regular and normal. Recognition for “a job well done” is open/public. The group learns from good as well as not so good results..

6 33 HANDOUT 6 - Team Building Blocks – self analysis. Agreed goals and clear objectives Individual roles Values Mutual support and trust Sound Management procedures Appropriate leadership Openness and Confrontation Individual development Inter Group relations Communication Regular Review 1 10

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