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 Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times.

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Presentation on theme: " Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times."— Presentation transcript:

1  Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times.  To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.  To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting.  Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

2 BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Nov. 24, 2003 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 1.InvocationTom McCarthy

3 2. Additions to Agenda

4 7:00 p.m. 3. Public Hearings: a.A rezoning request by Berman E. & Sherrie L. Stowers, Jr. & Clifton L. & Kathy Ann Stowers from Residential (R1) to Rural Residential (RR), on property identified as tax map no. 045- 001-0000-026B, 27 (2.868 acres), and 045-001-0000-0026 (5.470 acres), located at 5652 & 5636 Alum Spring Rd., (Rt. 636), Robinson District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.


6 b.A request by Rickey A. & Lee H. Baldwin for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow construction of a dock without a principle dwelling per Article 8-3.29, on property identified as tax map no. 076-003-0000- 0005, zoned Residential (R1), (0.4590 acres), located at 4520 Burma Rd. (Rt. 819), Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends denial.





11 c.A request by Rickey A. & Lee H. Baldwin for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow construction of a dock greater than 1,000 sq. ft. per Article 8-3.11, on property identified as tax map no. 076-003-0000-0005, zoned Residential (R1), (0.4590 acres), located at 4520 Burma Rd. (Rt. 819),Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends denial.

12 d.A request by Rickey A. & Lee H. Baldwin for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a camper per Article 5B-3, on property identified as tax map no. 076-003-0000-0005, zoned Residential (R1), (0.4590 acres), located at 4520 Burma Rd. (Rt. 819), Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends denial.

13 e.A request by New River Resource Authority for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow land application of biosolids on property identified as tax map no. 010-001-000-0005 (565.851 acres), zoned Agricultural (A1) with Landfill (LD1) overlay, located at 7100 Cloyds Mountain Rd., (Rt. 731), Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.


15 7:45 p.m. 4. Highway Matters: a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: 1. VDOT has been requested to provide an update regarding the following matters from the October 27 Board meeting: 1.Formal Speed Study Request – Rt. 806, Ebb Hall Rd. 2.Little Creek Drainage Issue 3.Piping at Low Water Bridge at Little Creek 4.Pulaski County High School Turn Lane Status

16 5.Hatcher Road Improvements 6.Kent Farm Road – Rural Rustic Road Eligibility Status 7.Rt. 100 Deceleration Lane into New Presbyterian Church

17 b.Adoption of Six Year Secondary Road Plan – Mr. Stancill advises the Board that three projects may be considered for addition to the six year plan: Project A. – Dunkard’s Bottom Drainage Improvement; B. – Fairlawn Old Pepper’s Ferry Loop Drainage Improvement; and C. – 1 mile of Dallas Freeman Road improvement. Mr. Stancill suggests the Board consider placing Project A in year two of the plan, Project B in year four and Project C in year six. The estimate for one mile of Dallas Freeman Road is $500,000. The Board has been provided with an updated version of what the plan would look like with these changes. Please discard the copy included in

18 the original Board packet. Furthermore, VDOT advises that they may have recommendations for additional changes in expediting repairs to the Allisonia Bridge.

19 c.Rural Addition Status Report – The Board has been provided with an update from Ms. Taylor.

20 d.Allisonia Bridges – VDOT plans to provide the Board with an update regarding plans for repairing the first Allisonia bridge following a reduction in the weight limit from eight tons to four tons. We also plan to provide pictures describing the situation.

21 e.Board of Supervisors Concerns

22 f.Citizen Comments

23 8:00 p.m. 5.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer

24 8:10 p.m. 6.Citizens’ Comments

25 8:20 p.m. 7.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff

26 a.Key Activity Timetable – Copies of the timetable are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.

27 b.Appointments: 1.Board of Equalization - The Schedule for Completion of Reassessment calls for the Board to complete its nominations to the Circuit Court for appointment of a three to five member Board of Equalization. Mr. Don Dalton has been suggested. As a resident of the Mallard Point development and former banker he may have a good perspective in understanding the increase in lake values which are likely to be an issue in reassessment hearings. Other persons suggested include Jeff Reeves, with Richard Jones and Bill Kegley having already accepted.

28 2.PEP Community Information – The term of Supervisor Fariss will expire on December 31, 2003. 3.PEP Steering Committee – The terms of Supervisors Cook and Sheffey will expire on December 31, 2003. 4.Planning Commission – The term of Supervisor Fariss will expire on December 31, 2003. 5.SWVA Economic Development Financing Commission – The term of Dallas Cox will expire on December 31, 2003.

29 6.Board of Zoning Appeals (Alternate) – The terms of alternates Mike Cox and Donald Shelor will expire on December 31, 2003. As directed by the Board, staff solicited for interested individuals to serve as an alternate to the fill the position vacated by Charles Ward. Staff recommends one of the following individuals be nominated to the Circuit Court for appointment as an alternate on the Board of Zoning Appeals: Lewis Pratt; Jeff Worrell; Jason Worrell.

30 7.Jamestown 2007 Celebration Committee – The Board has been provided with a memo from Nancy Burchett describing the current interest in committee membership. At the Courthouse Exhibits Committee this week, Patsy King indicated an interest in serving. In addition, Ms. Roma Stuth, Ms. Jolene Barker and Mr. David Warburton would like to be appointed to the committee. Dr. Stowers advised he would like to have Ms. Vicki Ogle appointed as the school’s representative to serve on the committee.

31 8.New River Community Action - A response has not yet been received from Rev. Jeff Kackley of the First Presbyterian Church. Any information will be presented to the Board at its November 24 meeting. 9.Library Board – The terms of Don Fariss, Jill Sandidge and Delores Smith expire December 31, 2003. All are eligible for reappointment; however, Delores Smith does not wish to continue her service.

32 c.Renfro Closing – I plan to provide the Board with a report on the fiscal impact of the closing (direct loss to the county of $169,000 Machinery and Tools taxes, indirect loss from the economic impact of a total of 481 jobs) and what is being done to address employee needs.

33 d.Purchase of Voting Machines - The Board has been provided with a letter and related details from the Electoral Board requesting consideration by the Board of Supervisors to the purchase of 53 electronic voting machines at a gross cost of $277,080. Less $50,000 currently budgeted for the machines, an additional $227,080 would need to be appropriated from reserves with an anticipated return of $69,975 to be received from the Federal Government. The result would be a net additional utilization of $157,105 from the general fund balance. Approval of this expenditure is recommended based on the

34 Federal mandate effectively eliminating the use of lever machines and the success of the electronic voting machines. I also recommend that Kathy Webb be asked to work with other localities to obtain the best possible price from the sale of the existing lever machines.

35 e.Ratification of Local Emergency Declaration – Adoption of a resolution declaring a local emergency as a result of the flooding which took place this week is requested. On Thursday night, the Governor declared a state emergency in seven counties including Pulaski County. These declarations may assist county residents in obtaining financial assistance in recovering from the floods. We plan to provide an up-to-date damage report at the meeting.

36 8:45 p.m. 8.Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of October 27, 2003 b.Accounts Payable c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers d.Ratification 1.Land Transfer to Dublin 2.Visitor Center Advertising Agreement e.Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements - Vehicle Sharing Agreement – NRV Alliance f.Personnel Changes g.Scheduling of Swearing-in of Elected Officials h.Resolution of Appreciation – Doug Mayberry i.Planning Commissioner Pay Increase j.International Building Code Administrative Policy k.Scheduling Public Hearing – Carryover Appropriations l.Memorial Plaque m.New River Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan

37 8.Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of October 27, 2003 Approval of the minutes is requested.

38 b.Accounts Payable Approval of the accounts payable, as presented, is requested.

39 c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval of the appropriations and interoffice transfers isrequested as follows: 1.Interoffice Transfer #5 - $39,070.84 2.General Fund #7 - $7,625.00 3.General Fund Budget Reduction #1 – ($1,470.00)

40 d.Ratification 1.Land Transfer to Dublin – State Code calls for a 75% majority vote of the Board to sell county property (4 of 5 members). Technically, this land was gifted to Dublin at the October meeting. However, to be sure there are no future questions, staff recommends retaking official action in order to meet the required 75% favorable vote since there were only three Board members present when the transfer was approved in October.

41 2.Visitor Center Advertising Agreement - Ratification of an agreement between the Visitor Center and Region One Publishing to include a map of the NRV is requested.

42 e.Contracts and Change Orders - Vehicle Sharing Agreement – NRV Alliance- Adoption of the agreement previously provided to the Board is requested. Implementation of this agreement avoids a need by the Alliance to purchase, maintain and clean a vehicle allowing what would have been spent on a vehicle to go toward marketing activities.

43 f.Personnel Changes – The Board has been provided with an update of recent personnel changes from Ms. Burchett.

44 g.Scheduling of Swearing-in of Elected Officials - As has been previously done, scheduling of a public swearing in a ceremony for all local officials is suggested for the December 15 Board of Supervisors meeting.

45 h.Resolution of Appreciation – Doug Mayberry - Adoption of the resolution previously sent to the Board is recommended.

46 i.Planning Commissioner Pay Increase - Dr. Fariss recommends consideration to increasing the pay for planning commissioners from its current monthly stipend of $150 to $300 per month in recognition for the difficulty of the recommendations the Commission is asked to provide to the Board.

47 j.International Building Code Administrative Policy – The Board has been provided with correspondence from Mr. Tickner explaining this matter. As noted in the second sentence of the last paragraph “We have taken the approach that any project planned for or started prior to this Code adoption can be constructed to the “old” codes, and only brand new projects will be reviewed by the new International Building Code”. Board concurrence with this approach is requested. Also previously provided to the Board are the state regulations regarding the implementation of the new building codes.

48 k.Scheduling Public Hearing – Carryover Appropriations - Scheduling of a public hearing at the Board’s December 15, 2003 meeting is requested to consider carryover appropriations. We anticipate carryover amounts to be more than the $500,000 threshold requiring advertisement of a public hearing.

49 l.Memorial Plaque – Staff recommends erection of a plaque honoring Nathan Twain Blackburn of Radford. Mr. Blackburn was an employee of Breakell Incorporated who passed away on October 29, 2003 while working on the County Administration Building elevator. It has been suggested the plaque be erected inside of the elevator.

50 m.New River Valley Hazard Mitigation Plan – The Board has been provided a draft of a regional “all hazards” mitigation plan prepared by the New River Valley Planning District Commission. Adoption of this plan and its approval by FEMA will make Pulaski County eligible for state and federal grant assistance to address hazards including, but not limited to, those identified in the study.

51 9:15 p.m. 9.Citizen Comments

52 9:30 p.m. 10.Other Matters from Supervisors

53 9:45 p.m. 11.Closed Meeting – 2.1-344.A.

54 12. Adjournment

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