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Presentation on SGS, Crystal Defects & Wafer Preparation Guided By MD. Mohiuddin Munna.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on SGS, Crystal Defects & Wafer Preparation Guided By MD. Mohiuddin Munna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on SGS, Crystal Defects & Wafer Preparation Guided By MD. Mohiuddin Munna

2 #Group Members# Chinmoy Das (2010338012) Nazmul Hossain (2010338016) Niloy Bonik (2010338017) Sohel Rana (2010338033)

3 #Semiconductor Grade Silicon (SGS)# The highly refined silicon used for wafer fabrication. Also known as Electronic Grade Silicon. Has ultra high purity.

4 #Steps to obtaining SGS#

5 Obtaining MGS

6 #Steps to obtaining SGS# Pure Silicon Producing System

7 #Crystal Defects in Silicon# Interruption in the repetitive nature of the unit cell crystal structure. Aiso known as micro defect.

8 #Types of Defects# Point Defects: Localized crystal defect at the atomic level. Dislocations: Displaced unit cells. Gross Defects: Defects in crystal structure.

9 #Point Defects# Vacancy Defect Interstitial Defect Frenkel Defect

10 #Vacancy Defect#

11 #Interstitial Defect#

12 #Frenkel Defect#

13 #Dislocations#

14 #Gross Defects#

15 #Wafer Preparation# A process of preparing wafer including- Machining operations Chemical operations Surface polishing & Quality measures.

16 #Basic Process Flow#

17 #Steps’ Introduction# Crystal Growth Shaping Wafer Slicing Wafer lapping & edge grind Etching Polishing Cleaning Inspection Packaging

18 #Shaping Operations# End Removal Diameter Grinding

19 #Wafer Slicing#

20 #Wafer Lapping# Two-sided lapping operation to remove damage left by slicing. Performed under rotational pressure with pads & mixture of alumina or silicon carbide & glycerin.

21 #Edge Contour#

22 #Etching#

23 #Polishing#

24 #Cleaning# Wafers must be cleaned to achieve an ultraclean state. Wafers should be free of particles & contamination.

25 #Wafer Evaluation# Wafers need to be inspected carefully before packaging. Standard quality should be measured.

26 #Packaging# Finally wafers should be packaged carefully.

27 Here is the END of our presentation Thanks everyone for being with us

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