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OLYMPIC VIEW END OF YEAR SURVEY 2011 Family Engagement Presented at: OVPTA General Meeting October 5, 2011 Olympic View Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "OLYMPIC VIEW END OF YEAR SURVEY 2011 Family Engagement Presented at: OVPTA General Meeting October 5, 2011 Olympic View Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 OLYMPIC VIEW END OF YEAR SURVEY 2011 Family Engagement Presented at: OVPTA General Meeting October 5, 2011 Olympic View Elementary

2 Purpose ENGAGE FAMILIES ◦ Survey – an opportunity for families to actively voice opinions ◦ Topic – education of our children ◦ Variety of aspects of education - academics, resources, social environment, communication, participation, suggestions ENGAGE ALL FAMILIES ◦ Not just families active in OV community

3 Purpose ENGAGE FAMILIES THROUGH FEEDBACK ◦ Facilitate communication and discussion ◦ How to meet needs of families and their students ◦ What worked? What didn’t work as well? Suggestions for next year? ◦ Successes? Opportunities for improvements? ◦ Work together

4 Background OV had 482 students in 2010-2011 300+ families Not the first survey: ◦ 2009 Survey – 126 respondents ◦ 2010 Survey – 170 respondents ◦ Administered through website High response in 2011 ◦ Engage ALL families ◦ Reduce selection bias in results

5 Response Rate Survey Monkey ◦ 2009 – 126 out of 450 (?): 28%-ish ◦ 2010 – 170 out of 450 (?): 38%-ish Paper Survey ◦ 2011 – 355 out of 482: 74%







12 Table 3. Challenges this past year supporting child at Olympic View, 2011 n(%) Respondents292(100.0) Responses to question on challenge*193(66.1)(100.0) Homework64(33.2) Time (lack of or management of)30(15.5) No challenges26(13.5) Math24(12.4) Reading13(6.7) Social issues7(3.6) Other58 (30.1) *Not mutually exclusive categories

13 Table 4. What would have helped you support child this past year, 2011 n(%) Respondents292(100.0) Responses to question on what would have helped*124(42.5)(100.0) Homework Support26(21.0) Better Communication18(14.5) Math Support10(8.1) Time Management9(7.3) "More” of something38(30.7) "Less” of something4(3.2) Other37 (29.8) *Not mutually exclusive categories

14 Table 5. General Comments About Experience at Olympic View, 2011 n(%) Respondents292(100.0) Provided general comments137(46.9)(100.0) Positive97(73.5) Not Positive35(36.5) Social Issues6 (4.4) *Not mutually exclusive categories






20 Percent of families whose children participated in afterschool enrichment last year: 50.5%

21 *other: American sign language, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, English





26 Conclusions Response rate much higher in 2011 than previous years – 75% High level of satisfaction ◦ Highest level for PE, nurse, and feeling connected Greatest dissatisfaction ◦ Homework

27 Conclusions Most attended events: ◦ Fall Carnival ◦ Open House ◦ Curriculum Night Favorite Events: ◦ Fall Carnival ◦ Play ◦ Plant Sale

28 Conclusions Multilingual families are underrepresented in most OV events Events that are most highly selected in their attendance: ◦ Curriculum Night ◦ Play ◦ Hootenanny

29 Conclusions High satisfaction about PTA Most common challenges this past year ◦ Homework ◦ Lack of time Most common suggestions from parents for what would have helped make past year better: ◦ Homework support ◦ Better communication


31 Methods Paper survey ◦ Reduce selection bias ◦ Attempt to reach entire OV community Developed questionnaire ◦ Used many questions from previous surveys on academics, environment, PTA etc. ◦ Added some open ended questions

32 Methods Confidential (vs. anonymous) ◦ Unique identifiers on each survey ◦ No names, no addresses, no identifying information on surveys ◦ Keep unique identifiers separate from identifying information ◦ Able to track number of responses ◦ Able to follow-up with non-responders

33 Methods Kid-mail system ◦ Reach ALL families ◦ Eliminate selection factors  Internet availability  Ability to attend school-events ◦ Reduce burden of cost (ex: stamps, effort)  For school/PTA  For parents

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