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Preventing Drug Abuse. Legal & Illegal Drugs Drug misuse - improperly using drugs Types of Drugs Medicines- legal drugs that help the body fight injury,

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Drug Abuse. Legal & Illegal Drugs Drug misuse - improperly using drugs Types of Drugs Medicines- legal drugs that help the body fight injury,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Drug Abuse

2 Legal & Illegal Drugs Drug misuse - improperly using drugs Types of Drugs Medicines- legal drugs that help the body fight injury, illness and disease.Medicines- legal drugs that help the body fight injury, illness and disease. Over-the-counter drugs- may be purchased legally in pharmacies without a physician’s prescription.Over-the-counter drugs- may be purchased legally in pharmacies without a physician’s prescription.

3 Continued...Types of Drugs Prescription DrugsPrescription Drugs Psychoactive Drugs -Chemicals that affect the activity of brain cells to alter perception, thought, and mood.Psychoactive Drugs -Chemicals that affect the activity of brain cells to alter perception, thought, and mood. (depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, inhalants)

4 Dangers of Drug Abuse Drug’s action - what the drug does to your body.Drug’s action - what the drug does to your body. Drug’s effect - physical and mental response to the drug.Drug’s effect - physical and mental response to the drug. Side effects - unwanted, even dangerous, physical and mental effects caused by a drug (nausea, drowsiness).Side effects - unwanted, even dangerous, physical and mental effects caused by a drug (nausea, drowsiness).

5 Dangers of Drug Abuse Side EffectsSide Effects OverdoseOverdose Addiction & WithdrawalAddiction & Withdrawal Drug Interactions (Synergistic & Antagonistic Interaction)Drug Interactions (Synergistic & Antagonistic Interaction)

6 Continued…Dangers of Drug Abuse AIDS/HepatitisAIDS/Hepatitis Risks to Unborn Children & NewbornsRisks to Unborn Children & Newborns Effects on Family & FriendsEffects on Family & Friends Legal RisksLegal Risks Costs to SocietyCosts to Society

7 Risk Factors and Drug Abuse Risk Factors: 1. Family Factors 2. Social Factors 3. Personal Factors (stress, low self- esteem, lack of confidence)

8 Effects on Family and Friends When a family member abuses drugs, the entire family suffers.When a family member abuses drugs, the entire family suffers. Drug abuser often behaves unpredictably (mood swings).Drug abuser often behaves unpredictably (mood swings).

9 EQ (21-3) How do drugs work, what are their side effects, and how are they commonly abused?How do drugs work, what are their side effects, and how are they commonly abused? DE Health Standard 1- Students will understand essential health concepts in order to transfer knowledge into healthy actions for life.DE Health Standard 1- Students will understand essential health concepts in order to transfer knowledge into healthy actions for life.

10 Commonly Abused Drugs Depressants - psychoactive drugs that slow brain and body reactions

11 OpiumOpium MorphineMorphine CodeineCodeine OxycodoneOxycodone HeroinHeroin

12 Stimulants Drugs that speed up the central nervous system.Drugs that speed up the central nervous system. Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate increase.Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate increase. User feels excited and alert.User feels excited and alert.

13 AmphetaminesAmphetamines MethamphetaminesMethamphetamines CocaineCocaine CrackCrack

14 Hallucinogens Psychoactive drug.Psychoactive drug. Illegal and have no medical use.Illegal and have no medical use. produce frightening and unpredictable mood swings.produce frightening and unpredictable mood swings. Memory loss, personality changes, unable to perform normal activities.Memory loss, personality changes, unable to perform normal activities.

15 LSDLSD MescalineMescaline PsilocybinPsilocybin MushroomsMushrooms PCPPCP MarijuanaMarijuana

16 Inhalants Drugs that are inhaled, or breathed through the nose, to produce a desired effect.Drugs that are inhaled, or breathed through the nose, to produce a desired effect.  Affect the body quickly. Abusers want to achieve brief feeling of excitement or giddiness.Abusers want to achieve brief feeling of excitement or giddiness.

17 Inhalants Continued Effects include headaches, blurred vision, damage to kidneys, liver & brain.Effects include headaches, blurred vision, damage to kidneys, liver & brain. Glue, paint thinners, spray paintsGlue, paint thinners, spray paints

18 Anabolic Steroids Synthetic drugs that resemble the male hormone testosterone.Synthetic drugs that resemble the male hormone testosterone. Doctors prescribe for patients with skeletal and growth disorders.Doctors prescribe for patients with skeletal and growth disorders. Abused by people who want bigger and stronger bodies.Abused by people who want bigger and stronger bodies.

19 Liver, heart damage, alter appearance, risk of HIV and hepatitis.Liver, heart damage, alter appearance, risk of HIV and hepatitis. Teens abusers, stunted growth, infertility, aggressive behaviors, violent mood swings.Teens abusers, stunted growth, infertility, aggressive behaviors, violent mood swings.

20 Club Drugs Drugs that are often available at raves.Drugs that are often available at raves. Side effects are dangerous, can leave user with permanent physical and mental disorders.Side effects are dangerous, can leave user with permanent physical and mental disorders. Leave people vulnerable to sexual assault.Leave people vulnerable to sexual assault. Ex. Ecstasy, Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine

21 Ecstasy (MDMA)Ecstasy (MDMA) Rohypnol (roofies)Rohypnol (roofies)

22 Signs of Drug Abuse Major changes in behaviorMajor changes in behavior Lying, cheatingLying, cheating Sudden changes in moodSudden changes in mood Changes in AppearanceChanges in Appearance Attention-getting behaviorAttention-getting behavior AggressivenessAggressiveness

23 Risks of Using Drugs Addiction (physical & psychological)Addiction (physical & psychological) WithdrawalWithdrawal OverdoseOverdose Aids and HepatitisAids and Hepatitis Legal risksLegal risks

24 Avoiding Drug Use Refusing DrugsRefusing Drugs Managing StressManaging Stress Getting HelpGetting Help

25 Alternatives to Drug Use Physical ActivityPhysical Activity Helping OthersHelping Others Youth GroupsYouth Groups Part-time jobPart-time job

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