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AFSCME Orientation American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Council 17.

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Presentation on theme: "AFSCME Orientation American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Council 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 AFSCME Orientation American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Council 17

2 What is AFSCME?  The nation’s largest and fastest growing public service employees union  Has more than 1.6 million active and retired members  Part of the AFL-CIO  Made up of members from hundreds of different occupations

3 What Is a Council?  Is a part of AFSCME’s administrative structure  Helps negotiate contracts, arbitrate, educate, and provide public relations  Works on legislative and political action  Is the result of local unions within a state combining to pool resources and form a council  Louisiana’s Council 17 is made up of 83 locals representing over 100,000 government employees.

4 Why Join AFSCME? AAAAdvocates for fairness in the workplace AAAAims for excellence in the public service WWWWorks towards prosperity and opportunity for all working families

5 Why Join AFSCME?  As members, we have the power to make a difference.  Together, members have clout at the ballot box and at the bargaining table  AFSCME is one of the nation’s most powerful advocates for working families.

6 Who Runs AFSCME? WE DO!

7 Who Runs AFSCME? AAAAFSCME is run by its members. EEEEach member has a vote in the election of local union officers and board members. NNNNegotiated contracts must be approved by members. EEEEach local has its own constitution and governing documents.

8 Who Runs AFSCME?  Members decide on:  Policies  Activities

9 As AFSCME Members, we are protected by a BILL OF RIGHTS!

10 Who Are the Officers?  The officers of a local are  President  Vice-President  Recording Secretary  Secretary-Treasurer  Executive Board Members (3)  Trustees (3)

11 Why Do I Need A Union Now? Big corporations and some politicians are attacking the services we provide. Their goal is simple: privatize our jobs, strip us of our rights, and dismantle the public sector. They are going after our wages, our pensions, and our health care!

12 What Special Benefits Does AFSCME Offer Its Members?  The AFSCME Advantage programs offer many money-saving services for full, dues-paying members only.  Services are offered at greatly reduced costs, only available to union members.  These benefits are continuously enhanced and expanded.

13 What Special Benefits Does AFSCME Offer Its Members?  Popular services include:  AT&T Wireless  AFSCME Advantage Master Card  Mortgage and Real Estate  Motor Club  Travel Center  Health Club  Flower Discount  Scholarships

14 What Do I Have to Do to Join?  Simply fill out the green AFSCME application card.  Drop it in the mail.  OR  Stop.  Take a second to fill out the green card.  I will pick them up.

15 Questions???????????? ??? Information for this powerpoint taken from AFSCME: Questions and Answers About AFSCME@2008 Powerpoint presentation produced by Rodney P. Dufrene, Sr. and Nanette L. Dufrene

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