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Classifying landforms and landform development Primary landforms Large masses of rock raised by the forces beneath the earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "Classifying landforms and landform development Primary landforms Large masses of rock raised by the forces beneath the earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:


2 Classifying landforms and landform development

3 Primary landforms Large masses of rock raised by the forces beneath the earth’s surface.

4 Secondary landforms Landforms that develop from primary landforms due to erosion.

5 Primary and secondary ex. Surtsey – island near Iceland –Creation of it is a primary landform –The ocean waves hitting the island and creating smooth rock and beaches is a secondary landform.


7 Classifying landforms Three different categories.

8 1.) made of rock and slowly erodes –Plains, valleys and plateaus

9 2.) sediment deposited by: –Water – a floodplain* or a delta* –Wind – a sand dune –ice

10 3.) Created by tectonic activity –Greek word for “builder” –Mountains and steep, rigid valleys Himalayas and Death Valley

11 Results of sediment deposits Floodplain – level ground built by the silt of a flooded river or stream. –Nile River Valley Delta- island at the mouth of a river created by sediment.

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