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STEP Showcase Chelsea Sabo University of Cincinnati STEP Fellow – Seton High School November 17, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "STEP Showcase Chelsea Sabo University of Cincinnati STEP Fellow – Seton High School November 17, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEP Showcase Chelsea Sabo University of Cincinnati STEP Fellow – Seton High School November 17, 2009

2 Background Information University of Cincinnati Ph.D. Candidate in Aerospace Engineering Dynamics & Controls Summer Researcher at WPAFB Control Sciences Division Manage the Intelligent Aerospace Systems Lab (IASL) Supervised & Guided Undergraduate Research TA’d for Undergraduate Controls Course Organize Lab Visits for Various Outreach Activities AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee University of Wisconsin – Madison B.S. in Engineering Mechanics (Astronautics Option)

3 Current Research Scenario involves multiple UAVs that are allocated to complete various tasks (e.g. collect data from targets) Objective is to collect data and relay it in a timely and efficient manner. Restriction on communication requires that each UAV visits the communication range to accomplish data transmission.

4 Intelligent Control methods can obtain results faster by narrowing the solutions down to only allow “reasonable” possibilities or by approximating the way humans think.

5 Seton High School Catholic High School Founded in 1853 for young women. Requires that all students participate in community service. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have their own tablet PC.

6 Seton High School Ms Kathy Huschart Physical Science & Physics Dr Mary Mullen Biology Ms Mary Johnson Algebra & Geometry Ms Lois Childers Calculus & Pre-Calculus

7 My Way or the Highway A Lesson on Circular Motion

8 Day 1: Direction of Centripetal Force Used the demonstration to explain that the Centripetal Force is the force that keeps objects in circular motion. Students spun around and let the stopper go in 4 different spots (N, S, E, & W) and plotted where the stopper went.

9 Day 2: CF Relationship to Velocity & Radius Students keep a constant radius of the stopper, vary the velocity, and measure the resultant force with a spring scale. Students keep a constant velocity of the stopper, vary the radius, and measure the resultant force with a spring scale. F α 1/r Force Radius F α v 2 Velocity Force

10 Students varied friction, the bank angle, and then both to find the maximum allowable velocity of the curve without the car flying off. Day 3: CF Bank Angle, Friction, & Velocity

11 Day 4: Race Day! Students build a race-track loop that will allow them to compete for who has the best design.

12 Day 4: Race Day! The group that can make it from the start line, around a curve, and back to the finish line first wins. Students are given slot cars, curved tracks, and straightaways to build their race tracks. Students can vary the turn radii and bank angle to allow them to move faster around the track. Students race their tracks against other students to determine who designed the best track!

13 Applications On- and off- ramps for Highways Satellite Design Planes Centrifuges Rollercoasters

14 Careers & Societal Impact Careers Civil Engineers Design Highway Roads Aerospace Engineers Design Satellites & Planes Design Flight Paths Rollercoaster Engineers Design Rollercoasters Societal Impact Civil Engineers make roads safe for drivers Design of satellites provide communication for GPS, cell phones, television, etc

15 Conclusions

16 Questions?

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