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Landforms and Waterways Climate People. Landforms and Waterways The landforms and waterways on the surface of the earth are shaped by huge forces that.

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Presentation on theme: "Landforms and Waterways Climate People. Landforms and Waterways The landforms and waterways on the surface of the earth are shaped by huge forces that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landforms and Waterways Climate People

2 Landforms and Waterways The landforms and waterways on the surface of the earth are shaped by huge forces that are often beyond our control and sometimes beyond our imagination We’re going to look at those forces

3 Forces Shaping the Earth Plate Tectonics Weathering Water People

4 Plate Tectonics What are plate tectonics ?tectonics The crust of the earth is made of huge slabs of rock that move over the earth’s molten mantle, like a giant cracked egg Over millions of years the appearance of the surface of the earth has changed drastically because of the movement of these plates How the continents have movedcontinents Often the movement is too slow for us to recognize it


6 Plate Tectonics They create mountains, plateaus and valleys as they go

7 Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Volcanoes Often the plates move so slowly you could never tell they are moving but sometimes The moving plates cause major events that change the surface of the earth Two of these events are earthquakes and volcanoes

8 Volcano

9 Earthquake

10 Plate Tectonics

11 Forces Shaping the Earth Plate Tectonics Weathering Water People

12 Weathering Weathering is the effect wind and rain and time has on landforms, breaking it down

13 Weathering

14 Forces Shaping the Earth Plate Tectonics Weathering Water People

15 Water Water is the strongest force on the planet Glaciers – massive ice flows that shape the land Rivers – Moving bodies of freshwater that flow from higher elevations to lower Bays Canyons Deltas (Google Earth) Oceans and Seas– Large bodies of saltwater

16 Glaciers

17 World River Systems



20 Forces Shaping the Earth Plate Tectonics Weathering Water People

21 Civilization affects the surface of the earth too Mountaintop removal Mountaintop removal Damming Rivers Damming Google Earth – 3 Gorges Dam, China Settlement

22 River Damming

23 Human Settlement Google Maps

24 Landform CSI Now that we know the factors that shape the land on Earth See if you can read the clues and determine who is responsible for the landform at the crime scene

25 Crime Scene #1

26 Crime Scene #2

27 Crime Scene #3

28 Crime Scene #4

29 Crime Scene #5

30 Crime Scene #6

31 Crime Scene #7

32 Crime Scene #8

33 Crime Scene #9


35 Climate

36 What is Climate? The average weather over a period of time, usually several years For example, Wisconsin has snowy, cold winters and warm summers. Climatologists watch this pattern continue over several years to make their claim about climate in Wisconsin Climate is different all over the world and it does not obey political boundaries


38 Factors Affecting Climate Climate is affected by many factors which is why we have so many different climate zones What do you think could affect a place’s climate? Travel around the room to discover the climate shaping forces on Earth

39 Factors Affecting Climate Latitude One of the most important factors affecting climate is the latitude at which you live. The sun is a major producer of the heat we experience on earth. Latitudes that experience less sunlight have a colder climate. Latitudes that experience more direct sunlight have a warmer climate.

40 Factors Affecting Climate Landforms Some landforms can be so large that they create climate zones of their own. In addition to wind, ocean currents and latitude, landforms can change temperatures enough to change the climate of a location.

41 Factors Affecting Climate Ocean Currents

42 Factors Affecting Climate Wind Currents the heat from the sun and the cold from the lack of sun work together to make the air on earth flow. The air carries warmth and cold with it, along with rain and clouds.

43 Factors Affecting Climate People Human activity like burning fossil fuels changes the chemical make up of the atmosphere by adding carbon Carbon is a greenhouse gas and increases the temperature on the surface of the Earth

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