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Earth Science Test Review Worksheet ANSWERS (30 points)

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1 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet ANSWERS (30 points)

2 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet Answers
The system that includes the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere The system that includes the Earth's interior, rocks and minerals, and landforms

3 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet Answers
3. The ecosystem comprising the entire Earth and the living organisms that inhabit it 4. The system that includes the whole mass of air surrounding the Earth

4 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet Answers
5. The process by which water, ice, wind or gravity moves fragments of rock and soil. 6. Destructive force 7. Deposition is when sediments (small particles of rock) are laid down in new locations. 8. Constructive force 9. When the chemicals in rocks change the rock. 10. Hot and wet climate 11. Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust 12. Upper mantle and oceanic crust 13. Middle mantle 14. Metamorphic rock

5 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet Answers
15. Igneous 16. Nitrogen 17. Rock cycle 18. When 2 plates slide past each other 19. When 2 plates collide into each other 20. When 2 plates move away from each other 21. Lithosphere 22. Precipitation 23. Condensation 24. Light 25. Various answers 26. Various answers 27. When an oceanic plate subducts under another plate

6 Earth Science Test Review Worksheet Answers
28. Magma rises from the mantle and cools. Then the 2 plates are pushed apart from each other. 29. The African plate collided with the European plate (convergent boundary) 30. transform

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