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LandscapesLandscapes Landscape can be thought of as nature’s sculpture of Earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "LandscapesLandscapes Landscape can be thought of as nature’s sculpture of Earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 LandscapesLandscapes Landscape can be thought of as nature’s sculpture of Earth’s surface.

2 IntroductionIntroduction Earth’s surface is only 29% land. Landscapes are the total ways areas look –Land, Soil, Plants, and Animals. Patterns of these on Earth affect where people live, how they make a living and where transportation routes are built. Stewart/dp/B0018CWVWE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1298660976&sr=1-1- spell

3 LandscapesLandscapes Single physical features in landscapes that give the land its general shape and look. –Large (Major) –Small (Minor significant details) This gives each area of Earth its individual look

4 LandscapeLandscape Caused by natural forces that shape the land on the surface of Earth. One force comes from inside the Earth, the other force is on the surface of Earth. People that study these forces are called geologists.

5 Earth’s Structure – 4 Parts Crust – outer part –(Oceanic crust) 3 miles thick –(Continental crust) as thick as 22 miles in some places- Why? Mantle – very hot, solid rock (1800 miles) Outer core – Molten, melted iron and nickel called magma. Inner core – Center of the earth (diameter 1510 miles) very hot solid nickel and iron.



8 Tectonic Movement Heat (outer & inner core) –Pressure causes crust to rise, fold or break. Always moving or shifting is called tectonic activity Plates can move as much as ½ inch to 1 inches in a year

9 The Drifting Continents q1x7P34&feature=player_embedded

10 Tectonic Plates 14 plates –Seven are major –Largest plate is oceanic crust Activity along edges of plates –Slide over, under, against, or away from each other. –These movements make landforms on the ocean floor and on continents.

11 DIVergent boundary- Plates DIVide or move apart

12 COnvergent boundary- Plates COme together

13 Transform boundary- Plates slide past one another

14 Faults- Fractures in the Earths crust formed where two plates meet and pressure builds up. The San Andreas Fault runs through California on the West Coast along a Transform Boundary (the plates slide past each other)



17 Activity along the fault lines nvironment-natural-disasters/earthquakes/earthquake-101.html

18 Primary Land Forms Originally made by tectonic activity Mountains (4 types) –Folded – pushing pieces up (Appalachian) –Fault-Block – 2 plates slide past each other causing creases (faults) earthquakes. (Southern California) –Dome – Crust pushed up by one plate sliding under another (magma) (Enchanted Rock in Texas) –Volcanic – Plate slides under another- volcanoes may form (Hawaiian Islands)

19 Folded Fault-Block DomeVolcanic

20 Tsunami (pron: 'soo-nar-me') is a Japanese word; 'tsu' meaning harbour and 'nami' meaning wave. The phenomenon usually is associated with earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions in, or adjacent to oceans and results in sudden movement of the water column. Until recently tsunami were called tidal waves, even though the event has nothing to do with tides. lR50

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