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10/19 to 10/23.  9BA: Which presentation has been the most interesting to you so far? Explain  9GA: As we begin looking at human geography, what are.

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Presentation on theme: "10/19 to 10/23.  9BA: Which presentation has been the most interesting to you so far? Explain  9GA: As we begin looking at human geography, what are."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/19 to 10/23

2  9BA: Which presentation has been the most interesting to you so far? Explain  9GA: As we begin looking at human geography, what are some countries you would like to learn about? Why?  Last Day of Presentations

3  Overall, do you think that humans have helped or hurt the environment more? Explain.

4  Collection of marine debris in the Pacific Ocean  Convergence zone where warm and cold water meet and create a vortex

5  4 ocean currents meet and circulate in a clockwise direction that is an area of about 20 million square kilometers.  The center is stable which is why garbage accumulates there.  The garbage is not biodegradable, it does not wear down, it just breaks into smaller pieces.  Area filled with tiny pieces of plastic that are eaten by sea creatures (and then we them….)







12  What is the solar system? What, if anything, do you already know about the solar system?

13  Solar system: consists of sun and 8 planets and other celestial (astronomical) bodies that orbit the sun.

14  Use your textbook and page 28 to complete the assigned worksheet on the structure of the earth.

15  What are the 4 spheres we find on and above earth?  Explain each in a sentence.

16  Oceans  Seas  Lakes  Rivers  Streams  Gulf











27  Continuous circulation of water between the atmosphere, oceans and earth.  Steps: 1. Evaporation: Water in atmosphere evaporates 2. Water Vapor: exists as vapor in the atmosphere 3. Condensation: cools and condenses into water 4. Precipitation: falls as rain/snow/ sleet/ hail 5. Water soaks into ground, flows into rivers, evaporates


29  How do we know that water evaporates in the atmosphere?

30  Assignment: How do humans interact with the hydrologic cycle?  Research “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.  What is the “dead zone?”  Why does it exist (think about the role of humans)?  Write 1-2 paragraphs or create a visual representation of your findings  Due: Monday, October 27  -of-mexico-dead-zone/ -of-mexico-dead-zone/

31  Describe the process of the hydrologic cycle in 3-4 sentences.

32  Landforms: Naturally formed features on the surface of the earth  Continental shelf: earth’s surface from edge of continent to deepest part of ocean *oceans floors have similar landforms to earth’s surface (mountains, etc)  Topography: surface shape and composition of landforms and their locations in a given region.




36  You will be assigned a landform  You must use page 34-35 to define and draw an image of the particular landform you have been assigned.  Due by the end of the hour.

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