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Welcome to the Radiation Center Home of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Radiation Center Home of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Radiation Center Home of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics

2 Faculty Faculty Members Abi T. Farsoni Assistant Professor David M. Hamby Professor Kathryn A. Higley Professor, Dept. Head Andrew C. Klien Professor Wade Marcum Assistant Professor Todd S. Palmer Professor Alena Paulenova Associate Professor Steven Reese Radiation Center Director Jose N. Reyes Professor, on leave of absence Krystina Tack Medical Physics Program Director Alexey Soldatov Assistant Professor, Senior Research Faculty Brian Woods Associate Professor Qiao Wu Professor

3 Staff Members Heidi Braly Graduate Student Liaison Shaun Bromagem Fiscal Manager Janet Knudson Office Manager Casey Mills Public Info. Specialist Joan Stueve Undergraduate Head Advisor John DeNoma Research Assistant Todd Keller Reactor Administrator

4 Social Media of jobs are found through networking More than 65 % Come network with us, NERHP can be found online at

5 See Something? Say Something Public Safety Announcement RACE: White GENDER: Male AGE: 20’s HEIGHT: 6’0” to 6’3” BUILD: Athletic/Muscular/Bulky UNIQUE FETURE: Dark eyebrows (bushy) and eyelashes CLOTHING: Black athletic style pants, white shoes, and a dark navy blue or black hooded, pull over style sweatshirt. In the first incident, the sweatshirt had “OSU” printed across the chest. In the second incident, the sweatshirt had a white circle printed upon the back with cursive style writing that extended from the lower left side of the circle, across the center, to the upper right. Police are seeking information about the pictured individual(s) in connection with two recent assaults. If you see someone fitting this description do not approach them, contact law enforcement Corvallis Police Department at (541) 766-6432 or Oregon State Police University Area Command (541) 737-3010 option 2.

6 Announcements NERHP Tutors are Available Get help with your NERHP classes at no cost to you! Please contact tutors individually with your requests.

7 Save the Date! 2013 Engineering EXPO Friday, May 17 11 A.M. – 4 P.M. Kelley Engineering Center, Oregon State University Free and open to the public INFO: or 541.737.3101 Announcements


9 The Idaho National Laboratory offers internships at a variety of levels – undergraduate through post doctoral with valuable work and life experience. INL internships, like the lab's research, span a wide range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields and support roles. INL interns also receive extensive training - like resume' writing and communication strategies - to help improve their "soft skills." In addition, they can attend lectures that feature world-renowned researchers discussing a broad range of energy topics from nuclear non-proliferation to hybrid energy systems. Interns participate in lab wide tours to enhance their knowledge of INL, its history and missions. The INL site tours include visits to Experimental Breeder Reactor-1, where nuclear fission generated the world's first usable amount of electricity, the Advanced Test Reactor, and a 3D research tool known as a computer assisted virtual environment - or CAVE. INL Internships Available

10 Announcements

11 National Instruments to visit NERHP A hands-on LabVIEW Seminar provided by National Instruments. Wednesday - May 1, 2013 1:00 pm– 5:00 pm Space is limited so sign up now! To reserve your place email Prof. Wade Marcum Announcements

12 The National Research Council of the National Academies sponsors a number of awards for graduate, postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awards include generous stipends ranging from $42,000 - $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D. recipients, and higher for additional experience. Graduate entry level stipends begin at $30,000. These awards provide the opportunity for recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and staffed laboratories in the U.S. Research opportunities are open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories, foreign nationals. participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutionsGraduate Detailed program information, including online applications, instructions on how to apply and a list of participating laboratories, is available on the NRC Research Associateship Programs Website (see link above).how to applylist of participating laboratoriesWebsite Questions should be directed to the NRC at 202-334-2760 (phone) or Applicants should contact prospective Adviser(s) at the lab(s) prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests and funding opportunities. Announcements National Research Fellowships

13 Announcements Five Students Earn NRC Reactor Operator Licenses Congratulations! Jarvis Caffrey Trevor Howard Jacob Owen Topher Matthews Doug Woods Also congratulations to Prof. Wade Marcum for completing his upgrade from reactor operator to senior reactor operator!

14 Announcements Radiochemisty Summer Program June 10 – 19 in Las Vegas, NV Undergraduates in chemistry, physics, health physics, nuclear engineering or related fields are encouraged to apply.

15 Announcements Applications are being accepted for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) HS-STEM Summer Internships. For detailed information go to s s

16 A tremendous scholarship-for-service opportunity to fully fund your undergraduate or graduate education. The SMART (Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation) Program will pay for all educational expenses for a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. program, and then provide scholars unique opportunities to work as research scientists or engineers on cutting edge technology in world class Department of Defense facilities. A comprehensive list of facilities can be found on the smart website: This is a highly competitive, national program, open to U.S. citizens only. The SMART program will pay for all educational costs and a stipend while enrolled for as little as one (1) term up to 5 years. Announcements Fully fund your undergrad and grad education Specifically the program pays for: Full Tuition – to any accredited U.S. University A very generous stipend while in school ranging from $25,000 – $38,000 per year Book allowance – $1,000 Health insurance contribution Paid summer internships All required student fees

17 SENIORS – Graduating 2013? Applications are due for SPRING 2013 graduation. Applications are filled out via your student on-line services, don’t wait, apply today!! For questions see your advisor or Joan Stueve Announcements

18 The Neutron Newsletter Pick up the latest edition of The Neutron, available near the Radiation Center mailboxes or in C-134. The Neutron is a quarterly alumni newsletter containing stories about our people and our future. Available in print or online at

19 #12 Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program Oregon State University (2014) Nationally Ranked

20 Announcements


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