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Observations on Social Audit in Koraput By Civil Society Organizations, Koraput.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations on Social Audit in Koraput By Civil Society Organizations, Koraput."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations on Social Audit in Koraput By Civil Society Organizations, Koraput

2 Clarification on the presentation The observations by different organizations in different locations have been compiled and put in a presentable format Particular observations may vary in degrees from location to location, but in the context of social audit each small observation matters With the understanding that the observations would contribute to developments in future, fall outs/ gaps have been detailed With the understanding that appropriate actions against the observations would be reflected in coming social audit in October

3 Involvement of NGOs in Social Audit Involved in 11 th hour without any formality NGOs maintained the spirit of participation despite odds No responsibility sharing framework or ToR Limited access to information at Block level Many officers indifferent towards involvement of NGOs Suggestions Clear responsibility chart with structured accountability Proper communication from DRDA to block and NGOs Supremacy to purpose and spirit of NREGA

4 Publicity on Social Audit Only Newspaper publicity Short notice to Panchayats PRI members ignorant about purpose Gram Sathi, Gram Sanjojak not duly informed Sarpanch questioning ‘what is going on here?’ Dengura – no where drummed Notice not displayed on Panchayat notice board, leave apart other strategic locations Job card holders coming with ration cards instead of job cards NGOs organized community meetings prior to SA for awareness Suggestions Timely information, long notice period Use of folk media Accountability on publicity - Block, Panchayats and PO District Public Information Wing be kept in the loop Videography of successful cases Impact: Lowest to low participation; process remained limited to officers, PO, GRS, households closer to Panchayat building; no PRI members in the scene

5 Location and timeliness GP office is not the right place, hardly accommodates 10-15 people No arrangement to accommodate at least 50 people made elsewhere Timeliness not adhered – somewhere officers, somewhere community Suggestions Makeshift arrangement to accommodate a mass Audit location: where maximum number of works have been executed Social Audit day should not fall on PDS/Pension day or Nodal meeting

6 Vigilance Committee and Verification Reports Hardly any report of previous social audit, vigilance committee reports available Vigilance Committee members do not know they had been enlisted In most places Vigilance Committee is non-existent No on-site material verification report available Report in safe custody but key is not there Block office do not have copy of the reports Social Audit forum non-existent Suggestions Strong vigilance committee at work village level/Panchayat level be given top priority Vigilance committee report should be a must during Panchayat nodal meeting and consolidated reports at block and district level Interface with vigilance committee members by a task force at regular intervals

7 Records and Documents PO and Sarpanch are not well acquainted with records and their maintenance Muster rolls, consolidated measurement, before-after photographs muster rolls of works done by Line Departments not available at GP Final muster roll (with UIN) written in pencil Cent percent of job cards verified on the date not updated Job cards register, job demand register, assets registers not updated properly Mismatch between passbook and muster roll Funds released against bill carrying no date People demand payment information fast Suggestions Comprehensive training on record maintenance Payment information to JCH immediately after release, Panchayat to be responsible All the records should be updated as soon as possible and consolidated reports prepared Job cards may be updated on every PDS day Capacity of PO need to be enhanced – e.g.PO sammilani quarterly Collector/PD make surprise checking of records or develop mechanisms

8 Works and physical verification Resentment over ignoring Pallisabha plan Work orders, Measurement Book not available for verification in majority cases Works register– starting and completion date not mentioned, total labour days not mentioned Transparency boards not installed at every site, little transparency on estimate and break-up Physical verification without technical staff and vigilance committee at many places Vigilance committee formed after completion of work, even formed on the day of Social Audit Suggestions Community Meeting before starting of work List of approved works publicized Well organised sub-committee under social audit for physical verification with all relevant information available for verification Job card holders who worked should be informed to remain present Documents prepared on site and remain open to public Grievance Cell at panchayat and Block level

9 Official response for Social Audit Many officials deputed for Social Audit did not attend/ were not serious Some officers treated NGO representatives as bystanders Inspection of Social Audit by supervisory officers – no known case available Suggestions Supervisory officers become more responsive ToR with NGOs

10 Public awareness on SA and participation An area of grave concern Lack of awareness is reflected in mute participation Contractors and their agents dominating Women participation very less Actual JCH involved with the work under audit have not been informed Panchayat office closed on scheduled date Suggestions Awareness drive Awareness meetings on PDS days Strong Social Audit forum

11 100 days work No known case 100 days by adjustment between JCH and non JCH families Suggestion Work in village All job cards and passbooks to be opened on war footing

12 Worksite facility Women workers with small children are told to leave children at home Hardly any case where worksite facility organized No evidence of availability of First Aid box at worksite Suggestion Photograph of worksite be kept along with before-after photograph Worksite improvement may attract workers

13 Major concerns articulated Work in village Delay in issuance of passbook Delay in payment – even for two years Contracting system still in vogue Job cards and passbooks in ‘ghost’ hands Pre-project initiation meetings not done WE DISCUSS THESE AT LENGTH AND BUILD MECHANISMS


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