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Opportunities in NGO-Community Radio Collaboration and Partnerships June 18, 2015 – Washington Hotel Getachew Simie.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities in NGO-Community Radio Collaboration and Partnerships June 18, 2015 – Washington Hotel Getachew Simie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities in NGO-Community Radio Collaboration and Partnerships June 18, 2015 – Washington Hotel Getachew Simie

2  Working with Community radio stations Public broadcast service Controlled by a public body and its budget is determined through parliament (House of People Representatives) Commercial broadcast service For profit – Owned and controlled by private individuals or by commercial enterprises Community broadcast service A non - profit service Owned and managed by a particular community.

3 Relevance of community radio for local NGOs and CBOs  Development oriented,  Accessible,  Easy to operate,  Low cost. Challenges of community radio stations  Lack of information about the mission and purpose of NGOs,  Lack of knowledge the way how approaching NGOs, Challenges of NGOs  Low understanding on the role and effectiveness of CRs,  Limited knowledge on the programing and target audience of CRs, Relevance, challenges and opportunities

4 What opportunities community radios can offer to NGOs  M&E tool: Proven/effective tool to monitor progress of development projects.  Impact/result based monitoring, communications and learning  Enhance local community governance and leadership  Promote documentation and dissemination of good practices from programs/projects (Newsletter Vs CRs)  Avoid duplication of efforts in program/project implementation at local level  Raise awareness on the process and results of social accountability  Problem identification: Participatory in dealing with the issues that affect the communities,  Gender issues and participation in development activities and processes. Gender mainstreaming, etc.  Neglected sections of the society (Disabled, women, Orphans, etc.) What opportunities NGOs can offer to CRs  Enable the CR broadcasters to engage on reporting and setting agendas on PBS and SA,  Deliver skills and resources that can make CRs effective and efficient,  Creating alternative means of income to CRs. Opportunities

5 How we are getting coverage ?  Past experience,  Contacting the station managers,  Develop communication and negotiation, organize brainstorming session with CRs,  Develop and produce message and stories,  Active participation in dealing with issues raise in CRs,  Involve broadcasters as stakeholders in project development and implementation. How we can cooperate and collaborate with CRs?  Content and format of CRs programs,  Sponsorship, Buying air time, Message delivery, Advertisement,  Train the journalists (program makers) of CRs,  Creating sustainable partnership. Cooperation and collaboration

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