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Rigor/Relevance/Relationships Working in Quadrant D.

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1 Rigor/Relevance/Relationships Working in Quadrant D

2 Rigor/Relevance/Relationships A Framework of learning based on the three dimensions: - Higher standards –Student Achievement –Core Values

3 Rigor Level of difficulty Higher Standards

4 Rigor Thinking Continuum - Knowledge Model Assimilation of Knowledge Acquisition of Knowledge

5 Rigor Thinking Continuum - Knowledge Model Evaluation (level 6) Synthesis (level) 5 Analysis (level 4) Application (level 3) Comprehension (level 2) Knowledge (level 1) Rigorous

6 Rigor in Basic Nutrition Evaluation (level 6) – Appraise results of the plan Synthesis (level) 5 – Develop a plan to meet the nutritional goals Analysis (level 4) - Examine nutritional goals Application (level 3) – Utilize the nutritional guidelines for an animals feeding plan Comprehension (level 2) – Explain nutritional value of feedstuffs Knowledge (level 1) – identify or label feedstuffs by nutritional groups Rigorous

7 Relevance Applying knowledge Student Achievement

8 Relevance Action Continuum – Application Model Acquisition Application of of Knowledge Knowledge Relevance

9 Relevance Action Continuum – Application Model Apply to Real World w/ Unpredictable Situations (5) Apply to Real World with predictable situations (4) Apply Across disciplines (3) Apply in discipline (2) Knowledge in one discipline (1) RELEVANCE

10 Relevance Action Continuum – Application Model Apply to Real World w/ Unpredictable Situations (5) –Design a nutritional plan for picky animals Apply to Real World with predictable situations (4) –Develop nutritional plan for an animal with special needs Apply Across disciplines (3) - make cost comparisons of different feedstuffs Apply in discipline (2) –Rank feedstuffs by nutritional value Knowledge in one discipline (1) –Label feedstuffs by nutritional groups RELEVANCE

11 Rigor/Relevance Framework K N O C (assimilation)) D (adaptation) W L E D A (Acquisition) B (Application) B G E A P P L I C A T I O N

12 Rigor/Relevance Framework 6 (eval) 5 (synth) C (assimilation ) D (adaptation) 4(analysis) 3(applic) 2 (comp) A (acquisition) B (application) 1(aware) 1 2 3 4 5 Real World

13 Rigor/Relevance Framework Quadrant A - Acquisition –Gather and store bits of knowledge and information –Expected to remember or understand i.e. label feedstuffs

14 Rigor/Relevance Framework Quadrant B - Application –Use acquired knowledge to solve problems, design solutions and complete work i.e. Follow written directions for feeding

15 Rigor/Relevance Framework Quadrant C – Assimilation –Extend and refine acquired knowledge –Use knowledge to automatically and routinely to analyze and solve problems and create unique situations i.e. Compare and contrast several feedstuffs for an animal with a specific needs

16 Rigor/Relevance Framework Quadrant D – Adaptation –Think in complex ways –Apply knowledge and skills acquired i.e. – Devise a nutritional plan for an animal that is a picky eater

17 Relationships Teaching a rigorous and relevant curriculum while understanding your needs and barriers to learning Core Values – Myself, as your teacher, taking the time to understand when you dont Core Values

18 Our Goal – Quadrant D Quadrant D R i g o r o u s Relevance Relationships

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