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FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 Research topics on IPv6 and Next Generation Internet Addressing J.Soldatos, G. Karestos National Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 Research topics on IPv6 and Next Generation Internet Addressing J.Soldatos, G. Karestos National Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 Research topics on IPv6 and Next Generation Internet Addressing J.Soldatos, G. Karestos National Technical University of Athens Contact e-mail:,

2 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 IPv6 & Alternatives Addressing framewroks IPv6 target objectives: –Tackling with Address Depletion –Automatic Address (Re)configuration –Security Issues –Support for various traffic types / QoS –Host Mobility /Ad-hoc networks Address Depletion Solutions: –IPv6 friendy –Non-IPv6 friendly (NAT based) –… both sharing common concepts

3 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 Alternative Addressing Frameworks Anti IPv6 strategies: –Researched in the U.S –Pledge simpler and smoother deployment (e.g., IPv4 retention, fewer deployment phases) –Either intermediate or permanent solutions (I.e. forerunners of a fully fledged IP6 solution) –Common reaserch topics with IPv6 Prominent Alternative (Overlay) Frameworks: –IPNL (IP Next Layer) – P. Francis / Tahoe Networks –TRIAD / WRAP – Stanford University

4 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 IPNL – IP Next Layer IPNL: –, –Ipv4 / NAT based solution to impove scalability & size problem –New layer above IP routed by NAT boxes (10 bytes addressing) –Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) for e2e host identification –IPNL address space = globaly_unique_addr (IPv4)+private_address –Site addressing isolation from global addressing –Maximazes infrastructure resuse  minimal deployment costs

5 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 TRIAD TRIAD / WRAP: –, –Framework for Internet Content Delivery –Path based addressing ( IPv4)  extensible addressing (also Mobility, VPN, Policy Routing, Source Spoofing) –DRP – Directory Relay Protocol for name lookup (content layer) –Wide Area Relay Addressing Protocol  IP encapsulation, IRT (reverse forward tokens) –Reduces average packet overhead

6 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 NTUA research targets Alternative addressing frameworks: –Routing complexity, overhead, performance –Robustness –Multicasting –VoIP deployment in WRAP, BGP for IPL, … IPv6 migration: –Explicit tunnelling and 6to4 co-existance –Dual Stack efficiency –IPv6 adverstising & DNS implications Tools: –Linux & Free BSD based IPv6 testbed –Simulation (NS-2 based) – Scaling & Robustness study

7 FP6 Information Day, Brussels Febryary, 3 rd 200 3 Conclusions Alternative addressing frameworks exist: –Advantages & Drawbacks –Interim & Permanent solutions EU research should focus on these as well: –Completeness regarding migration schemes –IPv6 to incorporate any important aspets & concepts NTUA aims at studying both friendly and non-friendly IPv6 strategies towards defining the optimum transition strategy Also, Conventional IP research issues (QoS, Securiry, Service & Network Management, applications) should be studied

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