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William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu, Manager, Non-Annex I Support Sub-programme UNFCCC Secretariat NAMAs AFTER DURBAN –WHAT LIES AHEAD? World Bank Webinar series.

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1 William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu, Manager, Non-Annex I Support Sub-programme UNFCCC Secretariat NAMAs AFTER DURBAN –WHAT LIES AHEAD? World Bank Webinar series on NAMAs, Bonn, 3 April 2012

2 OUTLINE OF PRESENATATION Key progress on NAMA in Durban and since UNFCCC work programme in support of the implementation of Durban decisions

3 Key progress on NAMA in Durban and since Considerable progress has been made by Parties in working towards a comprehensive framework in support of identification, preparation and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries

4 Key progress on NAMA in Durban and since As part of the package of decisions made by Conference of Parties under the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Actions (AWGLCA) under the Convention in Durban, decision 2/CP.17, the section on NAMAs by developing countries arrived at key decisions on: a)Matters relating to paragraph 48 -51 of the Cancun agreements b)Biennial update reports (BUR) c)NAMA registry d)International consultation and analysis (ICA) It is important to note that provision of support to developing countries is addressed as a cross-cutting issue in all the components of the decisions on NAMAs

5 Matters relating to paragraph 48 -51 of the Cancun agreements Parties recognized that deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required Encouraged developing countries who have not submitted NAMA to do so Decided to continue the workshops to further understand the diversity of mitigation actions communicated by NAI Parties Invited Parties to provide inputs to these workshops, by submitting more information on NAMA including their underlying assumptions, methodologies, sectors and gases covered, GWP values used, support needs and estimated mitigation outcomes, by 5 th March 2012. The first workshop to organized by thirty-six session of the SBs (May 2012) Requested to SBSTA to develop guidelines for domestic MRV of domestically supported NAMAs Encouraged NAI Parties to develop LEDS and to share experience of these during the workshops.

6 Biennial update reports (BUR) The COP adopted the guidelines for preparation of BUR and affirmed that the guidelines shall respect the diversity of mitigation actions and flexibility to NAI Parties in the provision of information and urged Annex II Parties and other developed country Parties to provide support for the preparation of BURs First BUR to be submitted by December 2014, with flexibility given to LDCs and SIDS Urged NAI Parties to submit their request for support to GEF in timely manner, and the GEF to make available support to NAI Parties for the first BUR as early as possible in 2012 Recognized the role of CGE in providing technical advise and support for preparation of BURs The guidelines for BUR covers seven sections: objectives, scope, GHG inventory, mitigation actions, finance, technology and capacity building needs and support received, submission, updating of guidelines

7 NAMA registry COP 16 established the registry and COP 17 provided further clarification as regards the nature and functionality of the registry The COP decided that the registry should be developed as a dynamic web-based platform managed by a dedicated team in the secretariat Participation in the registry shall be voluntary Registry should be structured in a flexible manner to reflect the full range of diversity of NAMAs and types of support The COP recognized the need for support for enabling activities to assist NAI Parties in the identification and preparation of NAMAs for submission to the registry7 and support for implementation

8 NAMA registry An open and ongoing invitation is made to NAI Parties to submit information on NAMAs seeking international support and those for recognition for recording Specific types of information on NAMA were requested, including a)Description of the NAMA, including info on the entity implementing it, b)Expected time frame for implementation c)The estimated full cost of the preparation d)Estimated full cost and/or incremental cost for implementation e)The amount and type of support required f)Estimated emissions reductions g)Other indicators of implementation h)Other relevant information including co-benefits

9 NAMA registry An open and ongoing invitation is made to developed Parties, the entity and entities entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism, including GEF and the GCF, multilateral, bilateral and other public donors, and the private organizations and NGOs, in the position to do so, to under the Convention to submit information on financial, technological and capacity building support available and/or provided for preparation and implementation of NAMAs The information requested for recording in the registry includes : a)Whether the support if for preparation or implementation of NAMAs b)Source of support, c)Amount and type of support available d)Status of delivery e)Types of action that may be supported and processof provision of support

10 NAMA registry The COP also decided that the registry will facilitate matching of actions seeking international support with support available by providing direct information to Parties It also invited Parties and entities to provide information to the secretariat for recording action that have been matched with support

11 NAMA registry The COP requested the secretariat: a)To develop a prototype registry by thirty-sixth session of the SBI (May 2012) in order to present to Parties b)To improve on the design of the prototype, if applicable, and based on views expressed by Parties at SBI 36 in order to enable Parties to start using the prototype of the registry two months thereafter, with a view to finalizing it at COP18, taking into account the lessons learned and initial experience gained c)To provide assistance to developing country Parties requesting information on available sources of support in the registry d)To provide information on the operation of the registry to the COP annually, in order to inform the discussions of the financial mechanism. The COP also noted that the financial mechanism may make use of the information available in the registry when considering provision of support for NAMA

12 International consultation and analysis (ICA) COP 17 adopted the modalities and guidelines for ICA, noting that the ICA of the BUR is non-intrusive, non-punitive and respectful of national sovereignty and aims at increasing transparency of mitigation actions their effects, ICA also aims at facilitate universal participation by all developing countries It will be conducted under the SBI The ICA process will consist of two steps: a)Technical analysis of the BURs submitted by NAI Parties by a team of technical experts in consultation with the Party concerned and will result in a summary report b)Facilitative sharing of views, with BURs and the summary report from the team of technical experts as input

13 International consultation and analysis (ICA) The BURs will be the basis for ICA and it will be analyzed by technical experts, Parties were invited to submitted views on the modalities and procedures of the team of technical experts by 5 March 2015 for compilation into MICS document for consideration by SBI to facilitate decision by the COP at its 18 th session First rounds of ICA will commence six months of the submission of the first BURs (June 2015) Frequency of participation in ICA after the first rounds will be determined by the frequency of submission of BURs, with flexibility to LDCs and SIDS

14 International consultation and analysis (ICA) The SBI will, at regular intervals, convene a workshop for the facilitative sharing of views, open to all Parties, and for all Parties for which there is a BUR and final summary report The facilitative sharing of views will consist of one- to three- hour session for each Party or group of Parties (up 5 Parties if in a group) SIDS and LDCs may undergo ICA as a group at their discretion The outcome of the ICA will be a summary report and a record of the facilitative sharing of views. ICA modalities and guidelines will be revised not later than 2017

15 UNFCCC work programme in support of the implementation of Durban decisions

16 Major work so far done by the secretariat include : a)A dedicated team of experts for the NAMA and registry has been put in place b)Technical specifications/ requirements for the registry completed c)The development of the prototype registry is in earnest d)Preparation of a NAMA handbook to support NAI Parties in identifying, preparing and implementing NAMAs e)Work on typology of NAMA for the purpose of recording in the registry is in progress f)Concept note for the formation of international partnership on NAMA has been prepared and discussion with potential partners ongoing g)Preparation of various MICS documents as requested are underway

17 h)Provision of capacity building to developing countries by way of organization of regional capacity building workshops. African regional workshop organized in November 2011 Asia and the Pacific regions and developing countries in Eastern European 4-6 July 2012 Latin America and the Caribbean in September 2012.

18 Thank you

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