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Graduation Plans and PLP’s. Graduation Plans for 2013 Recommended Required to start at 4-yr TX university ENGLISH: English I, II, III, IVENGLISH: English.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Plans and PLP’s. Graduation Plans for 2013 Recommended Required to start at 4-yr TX university ENGLISH: English I, II, III, IVENGLISH: English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Plans and PLP’s

2 Graduation Plans for 2013 Recommended Required to start at 4-yr TX university ENGLISH: English I, II, III, IVENGLISH: English I, II, III, IV MATH: Alg. I, Geom., Alg. II, 4 th MathMATH: Alg. I, Geom., Alg. II, 4 th Math SOCIAL STUDIES: W. Geography, W. History, U.S. History, Govt., Econ.SOCIAL STUDIES: W. Geography, W. History, U.S. History, Govt., Econ. SCI: IPC, Biology, Chemistry, 4 th SciSCI: IPC, Biology, Chemistry, 4 th Sci HEALTHHEALTH SPEECH / AASSPEECH / AAS PE – 1 ½ creditPE – 1 ½ credit Technology ApplicationsTechnology Applications FOREIGN LANGUAGE - 2 creditsFOREIGN LANGUAGE - 2 credits FINE ARTS – 1 creditFINE ARTS – 1 credit ELECTIVESELECTIVES TOTAL = 26 credits or more FOREIGN LANGUAGE - 3 creditsFOREIGN LANGUAGE - 3 credits Must earn 4 or more advanced measures from this list:Must earn 4 or more advanced measures from this list: –B or higher in dual-credit or tech- prep courses –AP exam score of 3 or higher –National Merit, National Achievement, or National Hispanic Recognition Scholar (based on PSAT scores junior year) –Original research/project See your counselor for more details... Distinguished

3 Sample PLP

4 AIM  Principles of Ag, Food & Natural Resources  Livestock Production  Small Animal Management  Equine Science  Veterinary Medical Applic.  Advanced Animal Science  Agribusiness Mgmt & Mrktg  Food Technology & Safety  Wildlife, Fisheries & Ecology Management  Floral Design  Horticulture Science  Ag. Mechanics & Metal Technologies  Ag. Facilities Design & Fab.  Practicum in Ag, Food & Natural Resources  Problems & Solutions in Ag/Tech Ed  Principles of Arch. & Const.  Interior Design  Adv. Interior Design  Architectural Design  Adv. Architectural Design  Practicum in Arch. Design  Construction Management  Adv. Construction Management  Mill & Cabinetmaking Tech  Practicum in Construction Management  Prin. of Manufacturing  Welding & Adv. Welding  Precision Metal Manuf.  Flexible Manufacturing  Adv. Flexible Manuf.  Practicum in Manufacturing Auto Tech.  Advanced Auto Tech  Collision Repair & Refinishing  Practicum in Transportation, Distribution & Logistics BUSINESS/FINANCE  Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance  Touch System Data Entry/Keyboarding  Business Information Management I & II MAS  Business English  Global Business  Virtual Business  Business Management  Practicum in Business Management I & II  Money Matters  Banking & Financial Systems  Securities & Investments  Accounting I & II  Financial Analysis  Statistics & Risk Management  Advertising & Sales Promotion  Retailing & E-tailing  Sports & Entertainment Marketing  Practicum in Marketing Dynamics I-II ED/HUMAN SERV  Principles of Education & Training  Human Growth & Development  Instructional Practices in Education & Training  Practicum in Education & Training II  Principles of Hospitality & Tourism  Restaurant Management  Culinary Arts  Practicum in Culinary Arts  Hotel Management  Travel & Tourism Management  Hospitality Services  Principles of Human Services  Interpersonal Studies  Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness  Child Development  Child Guidance - ECP I  Practicum in Human Services - ECP II  Counseling & Mental Health  Introduction to Cosmetology  Cosmetology I & II GOVT/LAW/PUBLIC  AFJROTC I-IV  AP Comparative Government  AP Human Geography  AP Macro Economics  AP Micro Economics  AP European History  World Area Studies K  Social Studies Research  Business Law  Psychology/AP Psychology  Sociology  Street Law STEM  Principles of Health Science  Health Science  Practicum in Health Science  Concepts of Engineering & Technology  Engineering Design & Presentation  Advanced Engineering Design & Presentation  Electronics  Robotics & Automation  Practicum in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics  Problems & Solutions in Ag/Tech Ed  Anatomy & Physiology K  Aquatic Science  Astronomy  Environmental Systems  AP Biology II  AP Chemistry  AP Environmental Science  AP Physics B or C  ISM College Algebra  Pre-Calculus  AP Calculus AB or BC  AP Statistics  Independent Study in Math FINE ART/IT/COMM  Animation  Advanced Animation  Adv Journalism/Newspap er I–III  Adv Journalism/Year I-III  Fashion Design  Advanced Fashion Design  Telecommunications & Networking-Cisco IT  Computer Sci I, III, IV K  Computer Sci II AP– A  Digital & Interactive Media  Web Mastering I-II  Internetworking Technologies I K- Cisco CCENT & II-K CCNA  Art I-IV Drawing & Painting  Art I-III Photo  Art I-IV Sculpture  Art III Electronic Media  Band I–IV  Choral Music I–IV  Dance I-IV  Music Theory I-II  Orchestra I–IV  Journalism I/Desktop Pub  Photo Journalism  Technical Theatre I-II  Theatre Arts I-IV  Theatre Production I- IV

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