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Senior Seminar Meeting Friday, January 18 th, 2013.

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1 Senior Seminar Meeting Friday, January 18 th, 2013

2 Life Skills Credit  Fall semester 10 week grade (D or better) gave you Life Skills credit  Final Fall semester grade (D or better) WILL give you Life Skills credit  Students who failed both parts:  Double roster with same teacher OR  Placed in new Life Skills seminar

3 How did you do last semester?  GPA Analysis and Reflection Assignment  Are you on track with credits?  Have you reviewed your transcript?  Are you on track with Portfolio (Total 17 artifacts)?  8 should be completed  4 should be in progress (WRC, CS, SLP, Parent Meetings)

4 GUARANTEE GRADUATION- Make a plan! CreditsPortfolio Community Service Service Learning Project (SLP) -GO TO CLASS -DO YOUR WORK! Check with teacher for schedule - Proposal/Sig n -Log Hours -Reflection - Proposal/Sig n -DO PROJECT by Feb. 22 -Prepare for SLP fair

5 Progress Checks  THEY ARE COMING!  Must be eligible to participate in activities.  Requirements to be determined, could include:  No Fails, CS, SLP, WRC, Portfolio, Detention, Attendance, CAHSEE, Credits, Intervention  DO WHAT IT TAKES TO GRADUATE!

6 Community College Applications  Check CC websites now  Determine when you can start applying for Summer 2013 or Fall 2013  Start in the summer to have better chance of getting classes  Check if CC offers outreach programs to help with books, getting classes, and tutoring  Consider transportation

7 FAFSA Reminders  FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)  Cal Grant GPA Verification Form  Some colleges may request:  CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE  2012 parent and student IRS Federal Tax Returns (including all schedules and W-2 forms) or other income documentation, such as IRS Federal Tax Transcripts  Other required forms

8 Important FAFSA Dates  January 26, 2013= Sit down and fill out application at Santee, 8 a.m.  February 15, 2013= Complete FAFSA in order to improve Financial Aid granted.  March 2, 2013= FAFSA deadline  Go to the College Center anytime for help

9 Undocumented Students  Undocumented and under-documented students, while not be eligible for federal aid, may be eligible for state aid in California  start inquiring in elementary and high school to see if it is possible for the student to become a permanent resident  apply for all scholarships for which the student may be eligible  check with colleges and universities to see if institutional financial aid is available  watch for changes in federal and state laws regarding the eligibility of undocumented or under-documented students  for more information: call (213) 629-2512  For a list of scholarships, go to   MALDEF_Scholarship_Resource_Guide.pdf 

10 WRC Update  See appointment reminder handout for document details and resources  Dec. results by late Jan./ early Feb.  No shows and those who did not pass will be scheduled for April  Next date Wed. Jan. 30 th  Students already received appointment reminder  Wed. Feb.20 th  Students will receive appointment reminder by end of Jan.  ALL STUDENTS INTERIEWING DEC. 5th, JAN. 30th, or FEB. 20th must register at following website  record.php

11 Grad Pack Info  On Campus Order Dates:  Next to P.E. Gates  January 23rd – Lunch  FINAL CHANCE TO ORDER!!  February 20th – Lunch  FREE!! Mini-Ring on a Chain when you order your Graduation Class Ring

12 Yearbook Baby Picture  DUE Thursday, Jan. 31 st - NO EXCEPTIONS  Turn into Mr. Molina C202  Seminar  6 th period  Before or After school  OR Email to  *Last day to buy Yearbook for $50- Jan.31 st  *Feb. 1 st Price goes up to $65

13 Important Dates  Finish SLP by February 22 nd  SLP Fair March 21 st  Finish Portfolio by May 16 th  Prom May 17 th  On sale in February, starting @ $90  Grad Nite June 5 th  Graduation June 6 th

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