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JRA1/Job Submission and Monitoring Moreno Marzolla on behalf of JRA1/Job Submission Task INFN Sezione di Padova,

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Presentation on theme: "JRA1/Job Submission and Monitoring Moreno Marzolla on behalf of JRA1/Job Submission Task INFN Sezione di Padova,"— Presentation transcript:

1 JRA1/Job Submission and Monitoring Moreno Marzolla on behalf of JRA1/Job Submission Task INFN Sezione di Padova,

2 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE JRA!/Job Submission and Monitoring goals JSDL and BES are emerging (emerged) standards for job description and job submission interfaces –JSDL is an XML-based notation for job description –BES is a WebService-based interface for job submission and monitoring services OMII-EU goals during the first year –Analyze the BES and JSDL specifications for job submission interfaces and job description, respectively –Identify extensions to BES and JSDL which can be useful in OMII-EU partners infrastructures OMII-EU goals during the second year –Support BES and JSDL in UNICORE, gLite and Globus

3 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Why is it important? Job management is one of the most important tasks accomplished by virtually every existing Grid middleware Reusability of components across different middleware –Towards a “library” of standard components (e.g., BES/JSDL compliant CEs) which can be assembled and “glued” togegher with minimal effort Enabling interoperability between different Grids –Jobs originating from one Grid could be executed on a different Grid, provided that the user

4 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Sample usage scenario

5 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Partners involved INFN (funded)‏ –Task coordinator, gLite expertise FLE, FZJ (funded)‏ –UNICORE expertise SOTON, UEDIN, UWM, UCHIC (unfunded)‏ –Globus expertise Task wiki page: –

6 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Planning M6M12M18 MJRA1.7 Definition of the required extensions needed to JSDL to satisfy OMII- Europe requirements MJRA1.17 BES will be evaluated with respect to its adoption in the middleware of the OMII-Europe partners MJRA1.8 GridSAM integration into UNICORE: architecture and implementation available MJRA1.9 Implementation of JSDL into OMII- Europe middleware together with the extensions identified MJRA1.10 OMII- Europe supports BES plus required extensions M20M9M23 DJRA1.9 DJRA1.10

7 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Achievements during the first year / 1 Analysis of the BES and JSDL specifications –JSDL reached the status of Final Adopted Specification –BES is currently in the public comment phase We observed that both specifications are quite minimal, as they are suppose to convey only the basic functionalities provided by most Grids –We identified platform-specific extensions, described in milestone technical documents Early prototype support of BES/JSDL within UNICORE, gLite and Globus has been implemented –Demonstrated at the Supercomputing'06 Interop Demo

8 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Achievements during the first year / 2 Added support for GridSAM into UNICORE –GridSAM is a standards- compliant executino service developed within the OMII-UK project

9 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Achievements during the first year / 3 We observed that JSDL only supports description for “simple” jobs: no job collections, no parametric jobs, no workflows These are all kinds of jobs supported by most major Grid systems, but outside the scope of JSDL Standardization of workflow notations is a potentially interesting issue, which would deserve attention

10 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Plan for the second year / 1 The second year will be focused on implementations Effort already started to cope with some foreseen difficulties –Evolving specifications: JSDL specification is finalized, BES is not –Tooling support: many WS-* tools have limitations which appear when trying to generate stubs from the BES/JSDL specifications

11 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Plan for the second year / 2 Address BES security –Security is outside the scope of the BES specification, but is a fundamental issue for real-world implementation and deployment of BES services –This issue is being addressed in cooperation with the JRA1/VOMS and JRA3/Security activities Finalize implementations –The CREAM CE is being extended with a BES interface, alongside the current WS-based (non-BES) one –Implementation of BES into UNICORE

12 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Plan for the second year / 2 Interactions with other activities within OMII-EU –BES implementations need to be checked for conformance (SA2/Quality Assurance)‏ –BES implementations will be benchmarked (JRA4/Benchmarking)‏ –Feedback from SA2 and JRA4/Benchmarking will be used by JRA1/Job Submission developers for improving software quality –Production-level implementations will be finally made public through OMII-EU repository (SA1/Repository)‏ –Explore the possibility of publishing/examining BES CEs capabilities using the GlueSchema (SA2/GlueSchema)‏

13 EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Thanks for your attention

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