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Libraries and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) What we’re doing at Heights Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Libraries and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) What we’re doing at Heights Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libraries and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) What we’re doing at Heights Libraries

2 In the media “White House recruits librarians to promote ObamaCare” “White House recruits librarians to promote ObamaCare” – Fox News, 6/30/2013 “Librarians being recruited to push ObamaCare” “Librarians being recruited to push ObamaCare” – Newsmax, 6/30/2013 “NFL says no to promoting ObamaCare – teachers, librarians take up the slack” “NFL says no to promoting ObamaCare – teachers, librarians take up the slack” – Human Events, 7/1/2013 “Chuck Todd: It’s Not Media’s Job to Correct GOP’s Obamacare Falsehoods” – Talking Points Memo, 9/19/2013Chuck Todd: It’s Not Media’s Job to Correct GOP’s Obamacare Falsehoods”

3 Our role: To provide customers with access to: – basic, objective information, – computers and Internet access, – printed info & applications, and – contact info for outside resources qualified to give detailed assistance To provide basic assistance with technical aspects of completing the online form, such as how to locate the web site, how to create an e-mail account, user name/password, etc.

4 Not our role: To explain (or even to know) the details of the Affordable Care Act To advise people on actions or decisions regarding the ACA or any aspect of their health insurance To express any opinion or position on the ACA To provide in-depth assistance to customers who need help completing forms

5 How do we explain the relationship between libraries and ACA? At the 2013 ALA Annual Conference, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced a collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and WebJunction, a program of OCLC, to assure that librarians have the information and connections with local experts needed to connect their patrons to information about the Health Insurance Marketplace when open enrollment begins October 1, 2013.Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)

6 How do we explain the relationship between libraries and ACA? Libraries connect people and the resources they need. Library staff are trained and trusted providers of information. Libraries are access points for the community. More info at WebJunction eHealthWebJunction eHealth

7 The YouToons Get Ready for ObamaCare

8 Basics of ACA for library staff & everyone else Enroll America OCLC WebJunction – eHealth State Library of Ohio – ACA Ohio Dept of Insurance - Federal Health Reform FAQs Emory University Health Literacy Research Center - The New Health Care Law & YouEmory University Health Literacy Research Center - The New Health Care Law & You (pdf) Consumer Reports – Health Reform: Seven Things You Need to Know Now Consumer Reports – Health Reform: Seven Things You Need to Know Now (pdf)

9 Applications Online (available Oct 1) : Consumers will be able to fill out one application and see their entire range of insurance options, including plans offered in online exchange markets being created under the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as well as tax credits to help pay premiums. Phone: Toll-free numbers will be availabe on site. Printed ( available Oct 1 but can preview now): Consumers fill out & mail in, receive response after 1 – 2 weeks: Short form for individuals Longer form for families Individual without financial assistance

10 Where can customers go for help with applications? Phone and online support from Cuyahoga County Department of Job & Family Services (currently listed on list of local help for Cleveland area) Cuyahoga County Department of Job & Family Services Ohio Association of Foodbanks (received grant) Ohio Association of Foodbanks Local insurance agents & brokers

11 What we’re doing here at Heights Training reference staff to effectively direct customers to resources Link on home page to web resources Link Preparing & ordering printed information to be available in all buildings Partnering with CareSource to offer informational sessions at each branch (TBA)

12 What are other libraries doing? Locally: Cleveland Public Library has partnered with CareSource (non-profit public sector managed care provider based in Dayton) to offer free information sessions at various branches. Also offering dedicated PC stations for health care marketplace applications. Cleveland Public Library Euclid Public Library has registered with as an information site and is creating a display area for patrons. A Certified Healthcare Reform Specialist (local insurance agent) will meet with customers by appointment. Elsewhere: Waukegan Public Library (IL) - one of 27 partner organizations participating in Enroll Lake County, an initiative comprised of diverse community-based organizations, which seeks to increase access to healthcare for county residents. As part of this initiative, funded by the State of Illinois through a grant given to the Lake County Health Department, the library selected key staff members to receive training and certification to serve as qualified in- person counselors (IPCs). Waukegan Public Library Topeka and Shawnee County PL (KS) – trained librarians will assist customers; drop-in computer sessions for enrollment; outreach efforts Topeka and Shawnee County PL Montgomery County PL (MD) - “will not participate in partnership” per library director“will not participate in partnership”

13 From KIN Statewide Coordinator Don Boozer (SlideShare presentation)SlideShare presentation

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