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 Skin is called the cutaneous or integument  Skin has two regions  The epidermis  The dermis.

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2  Skin is called the cutaneous or integument  Skin has two regions  The epidermis  The dermis

3  Epidermis  The outer thinner region of the skin  Made up of stratified squamous epithelium  Divided into the stratum basale and the stratum corneum

4  Epidermis  Stratum basale- just superior of the dermis  Langerhans cells- macrophages found deep in the epidermis that phagocytize microbes and simulate the immune system  Melanocytes- specialized cells in the deeper epidermis that produce melanin, responsible for skin color

5  Epidermis  Stratum corneum- the uppermost layer of the skin  Keratin- a fibrous, waterproof cell  Mechanical barrier against microbe invasion

6  Epidermis

7  Dermis  A deeper and thicker region  Composed of dense irregular connective tissue  Dermal papillae causes ridges resulting in fingerprints  Contains collagenous and elastic fibers

8  Dermis  Collagenous fibers prevent skin from being torn and great resistance from over stretching  Elastic fibers allow movement but maintain normal skin tension  A deeper and thiker region

9  Dermis

10  Decubitus ulcers- sore caused by a lacked of blood flow in a particular area that is restricted

11  Hypodermis  Subcutaneous tissue  Lies below the dermis  Composed of loose connective tissue including adipose

12  Hair  Found everywhere on the body except:  Palms  Soles  Lips  Nipples

13  Hirsutism: excessive body and facial hair

14  Alopecia- lack of hair or baldness

15  Hair follicles:  Are formed from epidermal cells  But are located in the dermis  Root- portion of the hair found in the follicle  Shaft- portion of the hair found above the skin

16  Hair follicles:  Are formed from epidermal cells  But are located in the dermis  Root- portion of the hair found in the follicle  Shaft- portion of the hair found above the skin

17  Hair follicles:

18  Nails:  From special epithelial cells at the base of the nail called the nail root  Nail body is the visible portion of the nail  Lunula is the whitish half moon shaped base

19  Glands: specialized cells that produce and secrete a substance into ducts

20  Sweat gland:  Present in all skin  Tubular  Glands are active under stress

21  Sweat gland:  Apocrine gland  Open into hair follicles  In anal, groin, and armpits  Begins secreting at puberty

22  Sweat gland:  Eccrine glands  Open to surface of the skin  Active when a person is hot  Contains water, salts, urea, and waste

23  Sebaceous glands  Associate with a hair follicle  Secrete sebum : an oil substance  Lubricates and waterproofs

24  Acne vulgaris  Most common  Inflammation of the sebaceous glands

25  Mammary glands  Located in breast  Produces milk

26  Athlete’s Foot: fungal infection of the toes and sole

27  Impetigo: highly contagious bacterial infection that results in pustules

28  Psoriasis: chronic condition, the skin is reddish pink patches covered by silver scales

29  Eczema: an inflammation of the skin caused by sensitivity

30  Cyanosis: condition in which the skin has a bluish tint caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood

31  Jaundice: yellowing of the skin caused by an accumulation of bilirubin

32  Albinism: loss of pigment in the skin creating patches of white skin

33  Freckles: melanin concentrated in local areas

34  Dandruff: flaking of the scalp due to accelerated keratinization

35  Uricaria: hive caused by an allergic reaction

36  Nonmelanoma: Basal cell carcinoma  Most common  Caused from UV exposure  Signs are tumors, open sores, reddish patches, smooth growths, shiny bumps or pale marks

37  Nonmelanoma: Basal cell carcinoma

38  Nonmelanoma: Squamous cell carcinoma  More like to spread  Signs bleeding warts and scabs

39  Nonmelanoma: Squamous cell carcinoma

40 Squamous cell carcinoma Basal cell

41  Melanoma:  Starts as a mole  Skin around mole turns colors  Occurs mostly in fair skinned individuals with a history of sunburns as a child

42  Melanoma:

43  Moles: due to an overgrowth of melanocyte

44  Warts: caused by a virus

45  Burns  Caused by Chemicals, Radiation, and Heat  Extent of a burn is determined by the “Rule of Nine”  Classified by depth of the burn and the extent of the burn

46  First Degree Burns  Only the epidermis  Reddness and pain, no blisters  Subside in 2-3 days

47  Second Degree Burns  Only the epidermis and dermis  Reddness, pain, and blisters  Subside in 10-14 days

48  Third Degree Burns  Destroys entire thickness of the skin  Leathery surface of brown, black, tan, white or red  Destroyed nerves, blood vessels, glands, and follicles

49  Third Degree Burns

50  Fourth Degree Burns  Destroyed down to bone  Limited chance of survival

51  Major concerns with burns:  Fluid loss  Heat loss  Bacterial infections

52  Autografting  Graft taken from another part of the patients body  Preferred method  Heterografting  Graft taken from another person

53  Skin Grafts

54  Epidermis  Maintain thickness but cell turnover decreases  Skin is looser

55  Dermis  Thinner  Flattened  Collagenous fibers coarser, thicker, far apart  Upper layer lost  Decrease in melanocytes

56  Hypodermis  Adipose tissue decreases

57  Wrinkles caused by:  Loose epidermis  Fibers are fewer and disorganized  Less padding

58  Functions of the skin  Protective function  Helps regulate water loss  Produces vitamin  Regulates body temperature  Gathers sensory information

59  Hypothermia: Body temperature below normal  Characterized by  Uncontrolled shivering  Incoherent speech  Lack of coordination Progresses to pulse rate slows hallucinations shallow breathing rigidity

60  Hyperthermia: Body temperature above normal  Heat stroke- body temperature above 110 degrees F w/o sweating  Fever

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