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Belnet Federation Belnet – Loriau Nicolas Brussels – 12 th of June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Belnet Federation Belnet – Loriau Nicolas Brussels – 12 th of June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Belnet Federation Belnet – Loriau Nicolas Brussels – 12 th of June 2014

2 Agenda Presentation of Belnet R&E federation IdPs / SPs / DS Technical framework eduGAIN Belnet Federation services Antispam Pro Mconf Filesender Personal Certificate 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 2

3 Belnet R&E Federation

4 4 What is a federation? Why a federation? “Evolving to streamlined access for web services” 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 4

5 What is a federation? “A federation is an association of organizations that use a common set of attributes, practices and policies to exchange information about their users and resources in order to enable collaboration and transactions” (, Internet2, 2012) 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 5

6 6 What is Belnet R&E Federation Identity & Access Management Research & Education Community Identity Providers Federated Partners CommercialNon-profit Government Agencies Other Federations Service Providers 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 6

7 7 What is Belnet R&E Federation 7 Identity & Access Management Research & Education Community Identity Providers Federated Partners Service Providers Administration? Legal? Technical? Trusted Mediator 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 7

8 8 What is Belnet R&E Federation 8 Identity & Access Management Research & Education Community Identity Providers Federated Partners Service Providers Trusted Mediator 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 8

9 9 Why use a federation? - Philosophy - Technical aspect Let us briefly go back in time, when: - users were still new to the network - security & privacy concerns were minimal Why: Belnet R&E Federation 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 9

10 LAN 10 Why: Belnet R&E Federation User = john Pwd = abc123 User = jane Pwd = abc456 User = jdoe1 Pwd = def123 User = jdoe2 Pwd = def456 User = johndoe Pwd = ghi123 User = jd456 Pwd = jkl123 User = john456 Pwd = mno123 User = jd123 Pwd = pqr123 User = jdoe Pwd = ghi456 User = jd123 Pwd = jkl456 User = jane123 Pwd = mno456 User = jd456 Pwd = pqr456 1991 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 10

11 11 Why: Belnet R&E Federation User = john Pwd = abc123 Birth date Home address … User = jdoe Pwd = def123 Birth date Home address … User = john Pwd = abc123 Birth date Home address User = jdoe Pwd = def123 Birth date Home address User = jdoe Pwd = def123 Birth date User = john Pwd = abc123 Birth date 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 11

12 12 Why: Belnet R&E Federation 2001 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 12

13 13 Why: Belnet R&E Federation Identity & Access Management Role- Based Acces Control Add Mod Del One account & password per user 2001 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 13

14 The Cloud 14 Why: Belnet R&E Federation Software as a Service 2014 2014 or 1991? User = john Pwd = abc123 User = jane Pwd = abc456 User = jdoe1 Pwd = def123 User = jdoe2 Pwd = def456 User = johndoe Pwd = ghi123 User = jd456 Pwd = jkl123 User = john456 Pwd = mno123 User = jd123 Pwd = pqr123 User = jdoe Pwd = ghi456 User = jd123 Pwd = jkl456 User = jane123 Pwd = mno456 User = jd456 Pwd = pqr456 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 14

15 15 Why: Belnet R&E Federation 15 Identity & Access Management Service Provider 1 Service Provider 2 Identity Provider 1 Identity Provider 2 One agreement One language: SAML2 1-time setup 1-time setup “Evolving to streamlined access for web services” One account & password per user Identity & Access Management 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 15

16 In short: without federation 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 16

17 In short: with federation 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 17

18 Actors of a federation

19 Identity Providers Workshop Belnet R&E Federation12/06/2014 19

20 Service Providers 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 20

21 Service Providers Workshop Belnet R&E Federation12/06/2014 21

22 Discovery service Workshop Belnet R&E Federation12/06/2014 22

23 Benefits For IdP: Access to wider range of services than available locally No extra administrative burden if you are already participating in a federation One user name and password For SP: Grow your audience Lower costs per user No local user database 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 23

24 Technical framework

25 Software Components Identity Provider –Hosted on systems of organisation –Shibboleth IdP –simpleSAMLphp –Verifies user’s credentials (username/password): Bridge between Federation and user database –Knows user attributes, implements the attribute release policy 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 25

26 Software Components Service Provider –Shibboleth SP –simpleSAMLphp –Integrates with IIS and/or Apache 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 26

27 Attributes  All relevant information about user: −Name, First name, date of birth, … −Role (student, staff, alumni, …) −Email address, anonymized ID, …  Stored on LDAP or AD  Attribute Release Policy −Only a few attributes required to join the Federation −The IdP decides how and to whom to release attributes −Respect of the privacy of users 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 27

28 Authentication process Identity Provider Service Provider User 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 28

29 Authentication process 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 29

30 Standardization : SAML2 SAML 2.0 standardized since 2005 −OASISXMLstandard −Using XML digital signature and encryption Implementations used in other R&E federations: −Shibboleth (supports SAML 2.0 since version 2) −Shibboleth IdP (Java/Tomcat) −Shibboleth SP (C++, integrates well with Apache) −simpleSAMLphp −One distribution for both IdP and SP −More than just SAML: Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, … −Supports 'user consent' out of the box 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 30

31 Standardization : SAML2 Other Federation implementations −Microsoft ADFS 2.0 (with some limitations: see microsoft doc) −PingFederate −IBM & Oracle products 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 31

32 Metadata What's in the metadata −Mandatory! −Who are the IdPs? −Who are the SPs? −What are their URLs and certificates −Organisation and Technical Contact 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 32

33 Metadata Entity metadata vs. Federation metadata −Entity metadata: −for single IdP or SP −Federation metadata: −aggregation of entity metadata −for all IdPs and SPs in the Federation 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 33

34 eduGAIN

35 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation35

36 eduGAIN Interconnecting federations Metadata Service : aggregates and pushes 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 36

37 eduGAIN Extends the portfolio of services Extends the audience To get access to eduGAIN, you need to request it 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 37

38 Belnet Federation services

39 Antispam Pro 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 39

40 Antispam Pro Cloud-based –Data/servers are in Belgium @ Belnet (trust) Flexible –Easy user management and delegation –Customizable Complete –Inbound and outbound –Antispam and Antivirus –Reporting 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 40

41 Mconf Collaborative web interface with public/private space. Recently added to the Federation Go ahead and use it 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation41

42 Mconf @ Belnet 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation42

43 Mconf Give us your feedback via Not a Belnet service Limited support 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation43

44 FileSender Sends e-mail with big files attached From the members of the R&E Federation To any recipient 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 44

45 FileSender 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 45

46 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 46

47 Personal Certificates 12/06/2014Workshop Belnet R&E Federation 47

48 Q&A

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