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PlascoEnergy Group Santiago, Chile. Waste in Santiago Over 6,000 tonnes of waste is generated daily in Santiago < 15% is recycled Landfill capacity is.

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Presentation on theme: "PlascoEnergy Group Santiago, Chile. Waste in Santiago Over 6,000 tonnes of waste is generated daily in Santiago < 15% is recycled Landfill capacity is."— Presentation transcript:

1 PlascoEnergy Group Santiago, Chile

2 Waste in Santiago Over 6,000 tonnes of waste is generated daily in Santiago < 15% is recycled Landfill capacity is expected to be met within 10 to 20 years.

3 PlascoEnergy is… A technology-driven company that utilizes an advanced zero- emissions process to convert waste into a clean synthetic gas and other valuable products. Our unique technology brings: –Tangible solutions to responsible waste management –Waste reduction and diversion –Environmental protection –Yields valuable products –Syngas is used to create ultra clean energy

4 What Becomes of 1 tonne of waste?

5 Ottawa Facility: Commercial Module Ground breaking: Sept 2006 Construction: 9 months Power sales*: 13 months MSW receipt: 16 months Power from MSW: 17 months * from surrogate waste

6 Environmental Performance- The Reality LAND –No contamination of land WATER –No contamination of aquifer –No leachate Air –Emissions are meeting and we are improving upon the regulated limits

7 Environmental Performance ParameterUnitsEUCalifornia Ontario A-7 Plasco Performance Particulate Mattermg/Rm 3 916173 Organic Mattermg/Rm 3 9-669 Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)mg/Rm 3 927 2 Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)mg/Rm 3 0.92--0.02 Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 )mg/Rm 3 4656 10 NOx expressed as NO 2 mg/Rm 3 1832022079 Carbon monoxide (CO)mg/Rm 3 4641-34 Mercury (Hg)μg/Rm 3 4660200.5 Cadmium (Cd)μg/Rm 3 4610141 Leadμg/Rm 3 -14014212 Dioxins and furansng/Rm 3 0.09290.08ND Notes: 1.All values are expressed at 11%O 2 and reference conditions (101.3 kPa, 25 o C) 2.EU regulations combine Thallium with Cadmium and Lead with Class III Metals

8 The Plasco Advantage Maximum value recovery from residual MSW >99.8% diversion from landfill or incineration Reduction of net CO2e emissions compared to landfill Best environmental performance as compared to landfill, incineration, or composting Small footprint and attractive design acceptable to communities where waste is generated and power is needed Reduced trucking minimizes traffic congestion while reducing costs and GHG emissions Clean power production within the local distribution grid reduces transmission line losses, improves security of supply and reduces load on grid

9 PlascoEnergy Group Santiago, Chile

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