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Kohei OHTA Monitoring vehicles The potential and the challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Kohei OHTA Monitoring vehicles The potential and the challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kohei OHTA Monitoring vehicles The potential and the challenge

2 2004/1/282 Introduction s Connect CARs with Internet Seamless connectivity Connect to World Connect to various personal equipments Many new technologies available MIPv6 Auto configuration Ad-hoc networking Many NEW mobile applications for CARs Road service On-line customer service

3 2004/1/283 Probe Car project s Develop new applications with car related information like Velocity, Acceleration GPS information Winker status Wiper status Etc…

4 2004/1/284 Requirements for information collection from Cars s Security Protect privacy information s Standardization Naming Common scheme and methods the various types of information Transport protocol Tough transport protocol under wireless environment s Efficiency High resolution and row bandwidth transport

5 2004/1/285 Security s There are many privacy sensitive information in cars Geographical location Velocity Passengers Etc s Strong security mechanism is required Encryption Authentication Access control

6 2004/1/286 Standardization s Naming To support multi vendor environment, common scheme to specify a information item. For example, we have to be able to access vehicle velocity from any vendor’s car with SAME method. s Transport Simple and tough transport protocol is suitable for mobile wireless environment

7 2004/1/287 Efficiency s Mobile wireless environment is worse than wired network Connectivity is NOT guaranteed at all There is less chance of stable connectivity The bandwidth is often narrow s It is difficult to collect high resolution information in such environment UDP is preferable to TCP Effective aggregation for high resolution with less bandwidth under unreliable line

8 2004/1/288 Applicability of SNMPv3 [1] s Information collection in TCP/IP is Basic issue for network management s That is already existing There are many management information for various networked devices and applications, router, switch, server, printer, and so on s Well standardized

9 2004/1/289 SNMPv3 has s For Privacy DES/AES encryption support s For authentication Multiple user support MD5/SHA1 digital signature s Key management Different key management with single pass phrase s For access control Allow access to iitsVehicleVelocity from center A Deny access to iitsLongitude from service center B Deny access to iitsLatude from service center B s Strandardization Well standardized consistent naming scheme. Transport Connectionless UDP Per packet authentication/encryption

10 2004/1/2810 Current configurations Velocity Logitude Latitude Winker Wiper status Defined as MIB in ASN.1 Information collection center Encrypted IPv6

11 2004/1/2811 Polling and Trap s There are two modes in SNMP to collect information Polling is good to collect periodic data Trap is good to notify a event

12 2004/1/2812 For effectiveness SNMP Packet Payload Name-1nullName-nnullGet Manager Agent Name-1Value-1Name-nValue-nResponse Manager Agent 646213932

13 2004/1/2813 Length(Name) = 12; length (Value) = 6 = 60 * (12 + 6 ) = 1.08K bytes !! time Manager Agent Query and response Current Method Delay time Manager Query and response 60 MOs/packet Agent PDU SIZE = 60 * (length (Name) + length(Value)) Name-1Value-1 Responze Name-2Value-2 Name-(n-1)Value-n Polling at small intervals

14 2004/1/2814 Time-based (History) Aggregation MO Name-AnullGet Manager Agent Name-AValue-AResponse Manager Agent t1,Val(t1),Val(t1+I),Val(t1+2I),….Val(t1 + (n-1)I) MO: n values of ifInOctets. 1 interval I length (Value) = 6 ~ 60 * 6 = 360 bytes !! PDU SIZE ~ 60 * length(Value)) Name-At1 Responze Val(t1)Val (t1+ I ) Va l( t1+(n-2)I ) Va l( t1+(n-1)I

15 2004/1/2815 Evaluation - Data Retrieval Time

16 2004/1/2816 Evaluation – Management Traffic

17 2004/1/2817 Evaluation - CPU Usage

18 2004/1/2818 For reliable information collection s Data collection with SNMP has been based on Polling s Mobile node is often disappeared from data collector because of the physical condition and occasional shadowing. s Data collector can not know and control the connectivity to mobile node. s Conventional polling based data collection no longer work well.

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