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ENERGY RESOURCES Advantages and disadvantages of energy resources.

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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY RESOURCES Advantages and disadvantages of energy resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENERGY RESOURCES Advantages and disadvantages of energy resources

2  Objective- I will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of energy resources.  Vocabulary-  Renewable resources  Non-renewable resources  Perpetual resources  Energy resources  Energy conservation  Coal  Oil  Natural gas  Nuclear power  Biomass  Hydropower  Wind  Geothermal  Solar resources

3  Renewable resources- any energy resources that are replenished continually  Non- Renewable resources- any energy resources that will eventually run out  Perpetual Resources- resources that are not limited’ indefinite.

4  Energy resources- anything that can be used as energy to do work  Energy conservation- method of energy use through insulation, increasing energy frequency, and changes in patterns of use.

5 Nonrenewable  Coal- a hard black substance that is burned to obtain energy, nonrenewable  Oil- Liquid petroleum obtained from once living marine animals that is burned to obtain energy, nonrenewable  Natural gas- a gas found above petroleum deposits that is burned for energy, nonrenewable  Nuclear power - The splitting of uranium atoms to produce energy, nonrenewable

6 renewable  Biomass- plant material or animal waste that’s converted to useable energy, renewable  Geothermal- Heat is harnessed beneath the Earth and converted to useable energy, renewable  Hydropower- the movement of water through a dam that’s converted to useable energy, renewable

7 Nearly Perpetual  Wind- Turbines harness the movement of air to convert it to useable energy, nearly perpetual  Solar- the Sun energy is collected and converted to useable energy, nearly perpetual

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