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Working Groups: Proposals and Conclusions 1 Slow Seminar Business and Human Rights: What Now? Barcelona, 16 and 17 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Groups: Proposals and Conclusions 1 Slow Seminar Business and Human Rights: What Now? Barcelona, 16 and 17 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Groups: Proposals and Conclusions 1 Slow Seminar Business and Human Rights: What Now? Barcelona, 16 and 17 June 2011

2 Working groups: Proposals and conclusions 1. Culture/Values/Edu cation 2. Instruments and norms 3. Incentives/Market mechanisms 2 Organisation

3 Working groups: Proposals and conclusions 1. Culture/Values/Edu cation 2. Instruments and norms 3. Incentives/Market mechanisms 3 Organisation

4 1. Culture / Values / Education Greater public awareness –Elevating the playing field, reaching more companies –Designing integrated reports and making them compulsory –More transparency –Incentives Exports Finances Education –Secondary Cross-curricular development and human rights issues –In mathematics –In the sciences –In the social studies –MBA Educating on the legal aspects of social and environmental impacts Learning more about social stakeholders like NGOs, the United Nations and unions 4

5 1. Culture / Values / Education Inside enterprises –Getting the different departments to work together –Unlearning –Initiatives Not just pressure Provide incentives for due diligence Cross-cultural: Training and human rights –Integrating awareness and the universality of the rights –Inviting non-Western perspectives Professional opportunities for women –Not quotas for managerial boards –Begin with Maternity policies Schedules that help balance work and family 5

6 Working groups: Proposals and conclusions 1. Culture/Values/Edu cation 2. Instruments and norms 3. Incentives/Market mechanisms 6 Organisation

7 Opportunities –European directive for companies operating abroad: from soft law to hard law –The ombudsman in each country should encompass human rights and enterprise issues –Get client defenders involved –Consensus and backing for Ruggie’s efforts 2. Instruments and Norms 7

8 Initiatives –Assimilation / empowerment Website targeted at board members –Inventory of instruments –Translation of texts into business jargon Dissemination targeted at –Administrative board –Independent board members –Risk committee –Operation Incentives –Positive –Negative Cost – benefit analysis Risk – return analysis Key monitoring indicators Taking human rights to management –Training / Capacity building Practical in situ training Programmes adapted to each enterprise Strengthening advocacy and the critical mass 8

9 Working groups: Proposals and conclusions 1. Culture/Values/Edu cation 2. Instruments and norms 3. Incentives/Market mechanisms 9 Organisation

10 3. Incentives/ Market Mechanisms Opportunities –Globalisation of capital markets –Democratisation of the use of intelligent mobile phones and their applications 10

11 3. Incentives/ Market Mechanisms Initiatives –Transparency in markets Design of labels with information on CSR issues: via mobiles and website Publicise the supply chain –Intense shareholder activism To ensure that all the stakeholders participate, not just shareholders Open up a prior consultation period Enterprises’ obligatory response –Ensuring that other states’ reserve funds take ESG - CSR – Human Rights criteria into account Investments in these funds should be public The black list of enterprises and the reasons they are blacklisted should be published –Creating new sustainability indexes 11

12 Contact info 12

13 With the support of :

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