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Reading to Learn YAU Wing Yee St. Stephen’s Girls’ College.

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2 Reading to Learn YAU Wing Yee St. Stephen’s Girls’ College

3 Why is ‘Reading’ introduced?  Reading is IMPORTANT!  Introduction of URT in school (students rarely select science-related books due to reading schemes in English and Chinese languages)  Study more on SBA methods for NSS  Self-learning skills are emphasized in the department for years. (limited content)  Passage reading has been introduced for years (limited content and length)

4 Reading Project -  Method 1 – Book report (F.3 and 4)Book report Preparation - 1. Try as ‘Book report competition’, organized by Science Society. (Findings: Students tended to write more on personal feelings than on the content of the book, not sure if they learned from reading.) 2. Decide the purposes of the project and prepare an instruction for students. 3. Check the reference list from school library, to ensure sufficient books of different types are available. 4. Give individual guidance for students in selecting books.

5 Reading Project - Student questionnaire Student questionnaire and teacher interview were arranged to evaluate the results. Findings on student learning: Students selected books according to own interest. (68% picked from public libraries) Students seriously selected the book for writing report (65% read 2-4 books before the picking the book) Students did not spend sufficient time in understanding the content. (68% used less than 1 week in reading the book)

6 mostly disagree 1 ------5 mostly agree Findings on student learning: (F.4 and before returning the marked reports) Compare with average Useful in learning Physics3.154.1 Gaining knowledge3.253.7 Improving communication skills3.153.8 Satisfaction3.723.7 Complete the work independently3.94---- Like the poster design3.513.8 Poster design useful in learning2.083.7 Prefer not to use in calculating term grade3.65---- Difficult for me to find a book for the project3.36---- Greater interest in learning Physics2.754.0 Enjoy doing the project2.343.9 Model making, investigations, Ocean Park Project

7 What do students learn? - know more about Physics; -reading and self-learning skills; -useful in checking concepts; -presentation skills etc. (marked report)marked report - if provide chances to present, students can share their work learn from each other.

8 Problems -not easy to find suitable books; - students’ lack of motivation because the content is not much related to syllabus; - some students copied directly from books without much understanding; - insufficient background knowledge for F.3 students to understand ‘Physics’ books and they reflected nearly no improvement in skills; and - give useful comment to students. Example

9 Why ‘Poster Design’? From experiences,  It is a helpful tool in checking students’ understanding;  It makes the work and marking more enjoyable;

10 Samples of poster design (1) Instead of presenting a concept, students drew ‘book covers’. They drew experimental set ups or settings of events, presented as questions. Some even did not have the related concept illustrated in the book reports. Understanding cannot be checked!

11 Samples of poster design (2) Students directly copy diagrams from the books. For example, a diagram to illustrate a definition. Understanding cannot be checked!

12 Samples of poster design (3)

13 Suggestions on poster design:  show good and bad examples to illustrate what is expected;  have students working in groups for presenting the same concept (discussions improve understanding);  arrange students’ presentations so that they can explain their work and ideas can be discussed among students;  select topics for students instead of students’ choices.

14 Another possible method - Literature review  as part of an investigation Eg. Egg protector (after F.4 mechanics)Egg protector Score sheet Eg. Learning of a new concept Sample 1 – (F.4 summer project)Learning of a new concept Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 2 – (F.6 mechanics)

15 Students’ view  They found ‘literature review’ more useful than book report writing.  Clear target topics.  They found Physics more useful.  They learned more in Physics.  They enjoyed.

16 Teachers’ view  Can assign topic according to student ability’;  students obtain information from the Internet instead of books;  Less time in marking (group project)’;  Peer learning;  Can check understanding; and  More enjoyable.

17 Problems:  Ensure every member works : - Each member reported their review before discussions. - Individual questions to ‘questionable’ students.

18 Problems:  Students found it time consuming. It took a long time for time to collect useful data.  Some sources (esp. from the Internet) are unreliable (concepts are inaccurate, terms used are not the same as in HK.)

19 Contact: YAU Wing Yee 

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